"Whee! I love you so much! I know Green Tea Frappuccinos are nasty. They're Hailey's favorites."

"She's my friend. Yes, I have friends." "How many?" "Hmmm... Lots including four, no Five fish and two iguanas. Yeah I'm bringing them Millie, Kay, Hailey and Alyssa. Okay, bye then."

"Tell him I say not bye, and creo que el es una vaca." She pressed end annoyed.

She grinned at us. "Guess what Ladies!? We just got invited to Starbucks by singing european boys."You have got to be kidding me, why does stuff like this always happen to you?"Kay asked raising an eyebrow.

"God loves me." "Oh Lanna." I said laughing. "Now up up up! I'm driving drive." She announced and bolted out of the room. "You mean I will drive." Hailey corrected. "Callate tu boca, you never let me do anything!" she whined. "That child," I said shaking my head. "Mental issues." Kay said in a sing-song voice. Once we got to the bottom of the stairs we heard;

"Bye Sarah! Were going to Starbucks with sexy European boys we only met today!" and then a door slam.

I looked at my mother who was laughing. "I take it your going to Starbucks?" She asked. "Yeah. Lanna's driving so if you never hear from us again, I love you." She chuckled.

"Have fun then." We said our goodbyes and followed Lanna outside. She was waiting in her Jeep outside. I climbed in the passenger seat and Kay, Alyssa and Hailey got in the back. I strapped my seat belt on and tightened it. Lanna wasn't the most graceful driver.


"I'm alive!" Hailey yelled hopping out. Kay followed and fell to the ground pretending to kiss it. Alyssa got out and took a deep breathe. I got out and turned and looked at Lanna. She rolled her eyes.

"Remind me again why we let you drive?" I demanded. "Because I'm amazing,duh," she answered and waltzed away towards the Starbucks. We followed her into the store but not as vivaciously.

We found her sitting in a booth next to Niall and across from Zayn and Harry. Liam and Louis were in the booth across the aisle.

"Those are my friends." Lanna pointed to us. Hailey blushed when they waved at us. Kay and Alyssa looked to be having panic attacks that they were unsuccessfully trying to hide. I rolled my eyes and made my way over.

The girls followed slower and stopped a few feet behind me. Lanna was sipping on her drink, and looked at us through her lashes. "My awkward friends of the female gender meet the world famous boyband that I met today in a convient store. Oh, and the cow." She motioned toward Zayn. He stuck his tongue out. "Sit." Lanna commanded and pushed me with her leg. I glared and sat down next to Liam. Hailey sat next to Louis and Alyssa and Kay sat at a booth diagnal.

"Trade." Harry declared and the next thing I knew the boys were climbing over each other to the spots they wanted. "Refund Please." Lanna said as Zayn sat beside her. Lanna got up and sat across from him. "I would have sat on the floor but it's dirty." She informed him cheekily. He rolled his eyes. Even around celebrities Lanna managed to be ridiculous and hold a petty grudge.

Louis was sitting across from Kay and Liam was sitting beside him across from Alyssa. Harry was sitting beside me and Niall next to Hailey. Lanna put her back on the wall and her legs on the booth. "Y'all, your drinks are over there," she pointed to the booth behind her. Harry got the carrier and brought it to the table. "Which one did you want?" "The Caramel Machiatto." I said, he handed it to me and turned to Hailey. "Green Tea Frappuccino." Lanna crossed her eyes and stuck her tongue out. Niall made a gagging noise. "Gross." Lanna announced. Hailey shrugged her shoulders and sipped her drink.

Lanna's eyes went wide. "I shall die now." She informed us and closed her eyes pretending to die. "Dying is boring." Lanna announced opening her eyes. She could really do with a bit more sleep. "Lanna how much sleep did you get last night?" I asked concerned. She shrugged her shoulders and thought about it. "None, actually. I don't think I've slept since two days ago." "Why?" Harry asked concerned. "There's this thing called the internet and it keeps me occupied for quite a long time." Harry laughed and handed the the carrier over to Liam and Louis. The caramel frappuccino was Alyssa's and the Cinnamon Dulce Kay's.

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