I grabbed my lunch, opened it, and took out my chopsticks. I grabbed a little ball of rice and started eating. Naruto's stomach growled loudly.

"This is no big deal. I can go without eating for days, even weeks! Believe it! This is no big deal!" Naruto shouted, but his face fell when his stomach continued growling. "No problem..." he mumbled.

At the same time, Sasuke and I shoved our bento boxes towards Naruto. "Here," we both said. Naruto's eyes widened.

"What? Sasuke-kun, Hotaru, you can't do that. You heard what sensei said," Sakura protested.

"Kakashi's not here right now. We need to get these bells as a team. If Naruto's hungry, he'll be weak and ineffective. That'll jeopardize the team and mission," Sasuke explained.

"I just feel bad and don't want you to be hungry," I said with a sheepish grin. "Plus, I ate breakfast this morning."

Naruto stared at us in awe while Sakura looked down at her box for a few seconds until finally holding it towards our blonde teammate.

"Okay, thanks," Naruto said staring dreamily at the pinkette.

"Don't thank me, just hurry up and eat," she insisted.

"But isn't that your lunch?" he asked her worryingly.

"Well, um, I'm on a diet. And I don't eat as much as Sasuke, so just take it!" she cried out. I nodded.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll give you some of mine too," I told him with a closed eyed smile.

"B-but I can't take it, my hands are tied up!" Naruto whined. "You guys have to feed me!"

We stared at him, my eyebrow twitching slightly.

"Hurry up, he could be here any minute," Sasuke scolded, and I blushed. I had to feed a guy? I looked to the side, grabbed some rice and meat with my chopsticks, and stuffed it in Naruto's mouth. Sakura did the same, making it easier to feed him.

As soon as Naruto ate a few bites, a cloud of smoke appeared. Acting on my own instincts, my hair let itself out of its bun to act any moment. Kakashi's head poked out of the smoke.

"You!" he shouted menacingly, which startled me half to death. "You broke the rules. I hope you're ready for the punishment." He weaved hand signs and the sky filled with gray storm clouds.

"Any last words?" The ground was shaking and Sakura trembled in fear. I whimpered slightly at his words, but didn't show how scared I was.

"But you said..." Naruto began and Kakashi stopped the shaking.

"But I said what?" he asked.

"You said we were a squad and we work together! That's why Sakura, Hotaru and..." Naruto trailed off.

"We're a squad and we're all in it together," Sasuke continued. This made Sakura less scared.

"Yeah, that's right! We gave him our lunch because the four of us are one!" Sakura retaliated. I nodded firmly at her statement.

"Right, we care about our other teammates and make sure they're alright because we're one!" I shouted.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Believe it! That's right!" Naruto screamed. Kakashi walked towards us.

"The four of you are one? That's your excuse?" Kakashi asked angrily. I glared at him, determination in my eyes. He gave us a closed eyed smile. "Hm. You pass."

My jaw dropped to the ground, and so did Naruto and Sakura's. "w-what?" I asked in disbelief.

"You pass," he repeated and the sky started clearing up.

"What do you mean? How did we pass?" Sakura asked. I myself was clueless this time. Did breaking the rules and feeding Naruto actually lead us to passing?

"You're the first squad that ever succeeded. The others did everything I said and fell into the trap. They couldn't think for themselves. A ninja must see through deception. In the ninja world, those who break the rules are considered scum. That's true. However...those who abandon their friends are worse than scum," Kakashi told us.

This made me smile slightly, Naruto tear up, Sakura grin, and Sasuke smirk slightly. "Y-you know, he's kinda cool?" Naruto whimpered and sniffled.

"The exercise is over. Everyone passes. Team 7 starts it's first mission tomorrow!" Kakashi congratulated with a thumbs up.

"Yes!" Sakura cheered.

We started walking back, until I heard screeching. I turned around to hear Naruto yelling and kicking around. "You forgot to untie me!" he shouted. I lightly giggled, threw a kunai that sliced through the ropes, and continued walking.

I am Strong (Sasuke x OC) ✔️ UchiHo Series (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now