Chapter 12

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Red's POV:

     I woke up at around 8:00, Green was still asleep next to me. I did my morning routine and went to eat something. I thought about all the extravagant things Green has done for me, and I haven't done shit! I have to ask him on a date! I thought about all the things to do in Sinnoh. Dammit, Green's already thought of everything good to do. Green does like history, I always see him watching the Pokémon History Channel. Should I take him to the museum in Oreburgh City? Nah, those are just fossils. The Celestic Town Shrine? That wasn't good enough! Snowpoint Temple? Perfect! The legendary Pokémon Regigigas used to reside there, but now it was made into a tourist attraction. Green would love to see the ancient scriptures there. I looked up a restaurant in the area and found one! All that was left to do is to ask Green.

Green's POV:

     I woke up at 8:20 and noticed Red wasn't in bed. I decided to skip my shower and go downstairs. I found Red sitting at the kitchen table smiling like an idiot. "What are you doing?" I asked. Red dropped his phone on the floor. I must have startled him. Haha. "Oh, hi, Green. I was doing something on my phone until you came in." He responded. "What kind of something?" "It's a secret!" He said. I raised my eyebrow at him as I poured some coffee. Red looked as if he was gonna blow. "Alright, I can't keep stuff from you. I want to take you to the Snowpoint Temple!" What was this! I ask him on dates! This threw me off guard to where I didn't answer for a few moments. Red was still smiling widely at me, anticipating my answer. "Of course I'll go with you, I love anything historic." "Make sure you wear something warm. We're eating at the Abomasnow Cafe. Be ready at 3:00." Red walked outside to go spend time with the Pokémon, leaving me in the kitchen. I watched some documentary on the temple to pass on time. Red actually picked a good place to go.

     2:30 rolled around and it was time to get dressed. I wore as many layers as I could, but still wanted to look good for Red. I fixed the spikes in my hair with some gel. I walked outside to find Red standing with his Charizard. On our way to the city, I saw Lake Acuity. It was frozen solid! That would be a fun place to ice skate, maybe next time. It took 25 minutes to get to the city. It was a quiet city. There weren't many cars due to all the snow. It looked like a winter wonderland. Red led me over to the temple and I was amazed by how big it was. "Look at that! I wonder what that says." Red exclaimed as he pointed to the scriptures on the wall. The writing was in braile. Unfortunately, I don't know how to read it. There were sparkling ice crystals and glistening rocks all throughout the cave. "That must have been where Regigigas used to sleep." I said. There were 2 huge crater in the cave floor, indicating that's where he did indeed stand. I was amazed by the carvings of the Regirock, Regice, and Registeel. In the documentary I watched, it said that they live in the Hoenn region, where Gramps was right now.

     Red and I wandered around the cave until we saw everything. Red took me to the cafe and we ate soups and drank coffee. Red is a really sweet guy for planning all this for me. We laughed and talked for an hour until we were done. Red flew us home on his Charizard and it was 7:00 when we got back. We usually get home really late, so I suggested we watch a movie. "Thanks for taking me out today, I had a blast." I said. "Awe you're welcome, I'm glad I got to spend the day with you." Red replied as he latched himself to my chest. Red picked the movie Lilipup and Me which made me hate him, but it was what he wanted to watch.

Red's POV:

     Green and I watched the movie in silence until it was over. We talked for a little bit until we started making out of the couch. It eventually lead to Green kissing my neck, I felt, excited. I stood up as we were still kissing and led him to the bedroom. I laid down on the bed and Green was still standing, kissing my neck at the same time. He moved his hand along the side of my body, and stopped at my hip. I took off his shirt and pushed my hands against him. He had a hard body. I was really turned on right now. Green reached for my shirt and pulled it off. He started to bite and nip at my skin. I sat up and reached for his belt. Before I could get it unbuckled, Green stopped me. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked. What a gentleman. He's willing to wait if I'm not ready. I nodded my head at him and proceeded to take off his belt. I could see that he was too, turned on. He pulled off his boxers and I had to keep my mouth from falling. I reached for his dick and pumped it, I could feel him tensing up. Green stepped backwards so I could get on my knees. I proceeded to put his length in my mouth. I was enjoying just as much as he was. He had his hand in my hair and was grunting. I was getting used to what I was doing until Green held my head and shoved his dick down my throat. Was he throat fucking me? Whatever it was, I liked it. Green came after about 4 thrusts. I stood up and pushed him unto the bed. I took off my remaining clothes. I got on top of him and kissed him. My knees felt weak when I felt him stroke my cock. Green then flipped me over and was above me, all while kissing me. I felt him grab my ass and trail over to my hole. He then place one finger in. It hurt, a lot, but he left it in there until I got used to it. Then, he would put in another one. That continued one more time until I was ready. He put the head in and my body felt as if it were on fire. I groaned out loud and Green gave me a concerned face. I told him I was fine and to keep going. He eventually was completely in me. He began to thrust when I really felt the pain, but eventually, it felt like heaven. I never knew how great someone could make you feel. I never wanted this to end. Green really knew how to make me alive. He hit that one spot inside me which made me feel really good. Green continued to hit my spot until I came all over him. Green eventually came inside of me. He pulled out panting and laid next to me. We didn't say anything after, he just held me in his arms and we fell asleep.

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