Chapter 2

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Green's POV:

     Gramps called me and told me to rush home. I was fishing with my Blastoise. I scowled and packed up my things and walked back to the lab. Fishing was my way of clearing my mind. It was quiet and I could think to myself about life and how things are. I walked up the stairs and walked towards the backyard where Gramps was feeding the Pokémon. "Hey Gramps, what did you need me for?" "Ah yes, Green I need to ask you something. I need you and Red to go watch over my lab in the Sinnoh region for the summer." Red? I haven't seen in about 5 years! "Red?" I asked. "Red came back about 2 days ago. I had him come over so I could ask him to watch the lab with you." I thought about when we were younger and didn't have anything against each other. We were always together. I regretted calling him names and taunting him when we went on our journeys through Kanto. I hated him for about 3 years since he beat me at the Pokémon League after I had just became champion. About 2 years later, I heard that Red had lost to a trainer named Gold from Johto. I felt bad. I knew what it was like to have your title taken from you. I wasn't mad at Red anymore. I realized it was childish of me to even be mad in the first place. "Yeah, I'll watch over the lab. I want to see Hearthome City while I'm there." "Thanks so much Green! I really appreciate it." I walked to my house at about 5:00 and had dinner with my sister Daisy. I kept thinking about my childhood while stuffing my face with french fries.

     After dinner, I went up to the attic and brought down a box full of pictures. There were tons and scrapbooks that Daisy had made so I decided to look through some. I found pictures of Red and I swimming in Fuchsia City, visiting the museum in Pewter City, and going shopping in Celadon City. I found one picture that made me smile a wide smile. It was of me and Red playing the piano. We both shared an interest in playing music. That's at least something we'll always have. Crap! What if Red doesn't like me! I was so mean to him all those years ago and haven't even said sorry! I decided that first thing in the morning I would go over to his house and apologize. I had to anyway since we'll be going to Sinnoh together. I put the scrapbooks away except for the picture of Red and I playing the piano. I stuck that one in my wallet. I went towards my room and decided to watch some tv before bed. I soon drifted off to sleep.

Red's POV:

     I woke up early again this morning but didn't smell my Mom's cooking. I took a shower and after I went downstairs. I found a note on the counter from my Mom. "Red, I had to go to work. I'll be back at 6:00 tonight. Love you!" I put the note down and made myself a bowl of cereal. I went to sit down in the living room and glanced over at Professor Oak's lab through the window. Oh no! I forgot all about what he had asked me yesterday. I thought about what I should do as I ate my cereal. I thought it would be a relaxing get away for the summer, even though I would have to clean the lab and take care of some Pokémon for Professor Oak. I also thought about Green. He used to torment me when we had just started our journey. He most likely still hates me. I haven't heard from him in 5 years though. Oh well. I wanted to go to Sinnoh for a weekend this summer to see my friend Diamond. I finished my bowl of cereal and walked over to Professor Oak's lab to tell him my decision.

Green's POV:

     I had woken up at about 8:00 and took a shower. I remembered that I was going to apologize to Red this morning. I hurried downstairs and grabbed a banana to eat along the way to his house. I walked up to his door and knocked. I didn't see his Mom's car, but I thought Red would at least be home. I waited for a few minutes until I sighed and left. Maybe he was home and just didn't want to see me. I knew he hated me. I walked back to my house and turned on a tv show to get my mind off things. I didn't know why I was this upset. It's been years since I last saw him. "Green! Come upstairs! I need your help with something!" Daisy shouted from upstairs. I walked up the stairs to find Daisy in my room packing my bags! "What are you doing!" I shouted as Daisy shoved my underwear into a bag. "I'm helping you pack your bags for the summer! Gramps told me all about it! And since you're not responsible, I'll help you pack!" I glared at Daisy for at least 2 minutes until she smirked and said, "I'm just kidding. I just like planning outfits." I sighed and helped her pack the rest of my stuff. Gramps said that I'll be leaving tomorrow at noon. I felt kind of sick since I wasn't able to say sorry to Red. I don't like people telling or showing me that they hate me.

Red's POV:

     I walked up to Professor Oak's lab and knocked once again. He answered the door in just a few seconds and said, "Red! Have you thought about what I asked you?" He led me over to his living room. "I did think about it. I'll go watch your lab with Green this summer." I said. "That's fantastic! Thanks so much, Red. You and Green will get along just fine." He said. I thought about Green again. Green will most likely torment me all over again. Hopefully he's changed and not a brat anymore. I smiled and told Professor Oak that I had to get going to pack my bag and spend the day with my Mom since I'll be leaving again.

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