Chapter 6

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Red's POV:

     I woke up to the captain announcing that we were in Canalave City. I got up and took a quick shower. Green was still asleep when I was done so I decided to get something to eat. I was gone for about 20 minutes and returned to find Green still asleep. "Dang. He sleeps more than a Snorlax." I said quietly. He looked so angelic when he slept, as if nothing was wrong in life. I gently tapped on Green to wake him up. H stirred and I tapped him again. "Red? What time is it?" He said while rolling over. "9:45." I replied. "Oh crap! Breakfast will be over in 15 minutes!" Green said while scurrying out of the room. I chuckled and shook my head. "Oh Green, you're just so cute." I thought. Cute? Why did I say cute. He's my childhood friend! Green will never talk to me if he found out I thought he was cute. I actually thought that he was when we were young. Maybe it was him that made me realize I was gay. But anyway, he can't know. This silly crush will just pass, just like the crush I had on Lance. I know, it's gross. But he's an attractive guy. Green came stumbling in with a doughnut in his mouth and 3 muffins in his hands. He quickly showered and changed his clothes and shoved 2 muffins in his mouth. Geez, this dude is a train wreck. We packed up our bags and got off of the boat. We took a cab to Floaroma Town. It was even prettier than I remembered. The flowers were in a Shinx pattern. We eventually made it to the lab and looked around. It was smaller than Professor Oak's lab back in Pallet Town, but it was still nice.

Green's POV:

It had been about 10 years since I had last been in the lab. I don't really remember it much. I went looking for the bedrooms we would be occupying, but I only found one, and it was Gramps. "Shit! Hey Red!" I shouted. Red came walking into the bedroom and looked around. "There's only one bedroom with one bed." I said. We'll have to take turns in the room." "We could share it." Red quietly said. I felt my heart violently jump out of my chest. "Share it? Are you sure? I don't mind sleeping in the living room." I asked. Red said, "We've shared a bed before, it doesn't bother me at all." I got excited when he said that. I realized my face turned bright red and I hurriedly walk towards the bathroom. "It's got a nice bathroom. Nice sized closet. It's just dirty." I said. We unpacked our bags and started cleaning the lab. It took us 4 hours, Gramps really needs to visit his labs more often. "I'm starving, do you want to order pizza?" I asked. Red nodded. We finished eating and decided to call Gramps. "Hey Green, Red! How's the lab!" He asked. "It's all good. We cleaned up the lab for you. It was really dirty." I explained. "Haha, sorry about that, I haven't visited it in a few months. I'll be sending you over some Pokémon to take care of and somewhat research. Such as if you find any difference in their behavior or anything record it. If you need any help, Professor Rowan is in Sandgem Town." He said. We said goodbye and went to the living room. Red turned on a documentary about the Sinnoh region. I was thrilled to find out there are 3 lakes here. I can't wait to go fish in them.

Red's POV:

The documentary turned off and Green was already asleep. He looked like an old man snoring in his recliner. Haha. I quietly turned off the tv and went to the bedroom. I found blankets in the closet and decided to put one on Green, Sinnoh is a cold region. I crawled into bed with Pikachu and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up at about 8:30 and did my usual morning routine. I went into the living room and couldn't find Green. I opened up the front door to find Green wrapped up in the blanked drinking tea on the front porch. "Good morning, Red! It's so nice outside here in the mornings." He said while looking at the fields of flowers. It was absolutely gorgeous, it smelled pleasantly also. I decided to take a seat next to Green and enjoy the scenery. Pikachu came running out of the lab and ran into the flowers. "Hey Green, you should let out Eevee and let her play with Pikachu." I said. Greens face lit up. "Oh my god, I haven't let her or any of my other Pokémon out at all!" He exclaimed as he threw out all of his Pokémon, I decided to do the same. Green and I laughed and watched as our Pokémon have fun in the flowers. I decided to keep them all out of their poke balls the whole summer, perhaps it will increase their happiness.

About and hour later, we got a call from Professor Oak, he sent over the Pokémon we would be watching. I was surprised to see a Leafeon and Glaceon, I didn't know Eevee evolved into them. After, he sent over a Murkrow, Shinx, Buizel, Chimchar, Turtwig, Piplup, and even a Gible. Green and I let them out in the backyard and fed them. "We need to go to the store or we're going to starve." Green explained. I nodded and we left to buy groceries and necessities.

Green's POV:

At about 6:00, we decided to make dinner. I turned on Gramps' Usher cd and we jammed out to it. "Usher? Come on Gramps, you're too old for this!" I thought. "Hey Red, I was thinking about going to Lake Verity to go fishing, you want to come with me?" I asked. I was nervous for some reason, I really hoped he didn't say "no." Red didn't say anything for a little bit and eventually nodded yes. I was relieved and said, "Awesome! I bet I can catch more Magikarp than you!" I teased. Red gave me a smirk and said, "You're so on!"

We finished our dinner and went outside to watch the sunset. It was so beautiful, the orange sky with the flowers was just breathtaking. I could tell Red was enjoying it by his smile. His black hair glistened and moved due to the wind. I felt a blush creeping up on my face. I guess I couldn't deny it anymore, I had a crush on my childhood friend. I guess I wasn't into girls, I thought that I was, but feelings change. "I'm beat, I'm going to bed, goodnight, Red." I said while getting up. I walked into the bedroom and crawled into bed. I drifted off to sleep until I heard the door open.

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