Chapter 4

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Red's POV:

     I was glad Green had pulled over to get something to eat. I was very uncomfortable sitting in the car with him. I was waiting for him to blow up on me. Green's always had a temper. I walked into the cafe and followed Green to a table. I wasn't hungry since I actually woke up on time and ate. We sat down and Green started looking through a menu. I noticed how he's changed over the past few years. His hair is lighter and his eyes are a radiant green. He had chiseled features. I've always known that I wasn't into girls, but I didn't think that I'd be checking out my childhood friend. I was too busy thinking about him that I didn't notice him trying to get my attention. "Hey, Red!" He said while snapping at my face. "What are you ordering?" I could feel my face turn deep red. "Oh, um, I'll have coffee, please." The waitress took our orders and left. I looked away from Green so that he couldn't  see my face. I was waiting for the insults to start flying at me. But instead, he smirked and shrugged at me. I sighed a sigh of relief. Green ordered at least the whole menu. I was shocked to see how much the boy could stuff in his mouth so quickly. It was gross to see, but also amusing. Green paid for breakfast and we went back on the road. It was quiet and awkward again. I decided to turn on the radio to ease my stress. Why am I stressed out just being in the car with him? He hasn't done anything wrong yet. I looked over to see Green moving to the beat of the music and tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel. Maybe this summer won't be so bad. He's barely said anything to me, he's not insulting me, maybe I'm just being crazy. If he were to do anything, he would've already done it.

Green's POV:

     It was 11:15 when we made it to Vermillion City. The boat was leaving at 12:00, so we had jus gotten there on time. We boarded the ship and went to find our rooms. I watched Red admire the art work on the walls. They were really nice. It was paintings of previous Royal Families and leaders. "This room is tiny! One person can barely fit in the bathroom!" I exclaimed. Red laughed a little bit. That's the first time I heard him actually laugh in a long time. He must have been thinking the same thing. "Alright, I call the bed closest to the door. I'll let you have the bed near the window." Red nodded and unpacked his things for the night. I didn't know what I was going to do until it was night time. Maybe I'll go to the pool. "Hey Red! I'm going to go to the pool, you wanna come with me!" Red shook his head no and pulled out a book. "Why can't you just read that in a lounge chair?" Red didn't say anything for a minute and eventually shook his head again. "Alright, well that's where I'll be if you need me." I was actually a little upset Red didn't want to come. I guess he's still mad at me from all those years ago.

Red's POV:

     I was waiting for the teasing to start when Green asked if I wanted to go to the pool with him. I was relieved that he didn't do anything, I laid down in my bed and started to read my book. I read for about 2 hours until I fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later hearing Green mumbling to himself. He was moving frantically around the room messing with something. He was wearing dress clothes. Oh yeah, we get a fancy dinner tonight. I groggily sat up and went to go change. I had finished and walked out of the bathroom to still see Green fumbling with something. I realized it was his tie. I stopped and just smiled. Green turned around to face me and said, "It's not funny Red. Help me out." I went to fix his tie and I could feel my face heat up again. What is wrong with me? You can't like him! "Thanks, Red, I've never really been good at ties, haha." Green chuckled. I frantically went to the other side of the room to get my cellphone and to hide my face mostly. We walked out of our room to go to the dinner table. We sat down and looked through the menu. Pikachu started pointing at a hamburger. I smiled and nodded at him. I wondered where Green's Pokemon were. I knew he had some. He always carried his Eevee around wherever he went. The waiter came to take our orders and left. We sat there in silence, awkwardly on our phones. I could tell Green was getting frustrated about something, he wouldn't sit still. I was about to read a book on my phone until Green quickly said, "Do you still hate me! Why haven't you said anything to me!" I looked at him with a confused face. I thought he hated me? I didn't hate him anymore. Well, I never really hated him at all, I was just mad at him for awhile. Green looked at me with a saddened face, I didn't know what to say. Green got up from the table and left. I felt guilty about it, I wanted to go after him and explain that I thought he hated me, but the waiter came back with our food. I suddenly wasn't hungry, but Pikachu sure was. He covered his entire meal with ketchup. Weird. I let Pikachu eat his hamburger and he eventually started picking at Green's plate. I decided to box up his food to give to him when I got back to the room. I wondered where he went.

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