"Then why do you look so scared and disturbed, huh Liam? Did he harass you? Did he molest you? Did he touch you in unnecesarry places - " Louis asked, but I interrupted.

"Lou! You're just asking the same thing in different words! Stop that," I scolded him

"Well, I didn't hear a 'no', so the answer is probably 'yes'! Where else, Leemo? Tell us where else that douche touched you," said Louis, practically jumping on me.

"And we can call the police, Li-Li! You'll be safe once Harry's taken away - " Niall said excitedly.

"What? No! Guys, he didn't touch me inappropriately like that," I admitted.

"So it was Styles! I knew it," Louis said, eyes narrowing at the wall. "Wait. Why did you let him?"

My eyes widened at that and then narrowed at him. "I didn't let him!"

"Oh, really? Then what happened to your neck? The lovebite just magically appeared when he came along?" Louis asked back.

"He just pushed me to the wall after I accidentally bumped into him - " I explained.

"How did you 'accidentally' bump into him?" Niall asked curiously now.

"I wasn't watching where I as going and - "

"There it is! Your big mistake, Payno! You weren't watching where you were going," Louis interrupted me, yelling out triumphantly.

"Yeah, okay! My bad. Anyway, I bumped into Harry and he just went all dark and myterious, and VERY pushy. He literally pushed me against the wall - " I said.

A whimper came from Niall's lips, interrupting me again. "And then he raped you. Just like that. Aww, poor Li-Li! I'm sorry we weren't there to save you," he said and hugging me.

"Ni, he didn't rape me. Just almost- Could you guys stop interrupting and just let me tell you what happened?" I said in annoyance, gently pushing them away from me. "All I'm asking is for you guys to let me explain, then you can ask questions. Okay?"

They nodded and I smiled lightly, then told the about my disturbing encounter with Harry in the hall. They managed to stay quiet as I explained, but they were squirming and seemed too be dying to interrupt and ask me questions.

When I finished, they looked like they were gonna explode with questions. i sighed and said, "Go ahead."

"So you did let him give you a hickey! I was right! Why didn't you admit it before?" Louis exclaimed.

"Well I wasn't proud of it, was I?" I retorted, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Man. You were so weak to him, Li-Li. You SO want him," Niall said, laughing to himself.

"I do not!" I argued.

"Then why'd you let him suck your neck?" Louis teased, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"He freaking scared the crap out of me! He just started sucking and licking and...Ugh," I said, shuddering at remembering the what Harry did.

They scrunched their noses and covered their ears. "Eww! Way too much info!" Niall said.

"Well he did it! To ME, need I remind you? And I was definitely NOT enjoying it," I said confidently.

"Mhm," they hummed at the same time, looking at each other. Then they looked back at me with serious expressions.

"But seriously, Liam. Harry is bad news. Stay away from him so you don't get hurt," Louis said.

"Yeah. Nothing good could possibly end up from this if you let him play with you. You're way smarter than that and him," Niall added.

"And do not let yourself fall more into him than you already have. He's gonna hurt you, Liam. We're just looking out for you," Louis concluded, patting my shoulder.

I sighed and laid back on my bed. "Again, I'm not into him. He's not even my type. But I know what you mean."



"NO! Absolutely not! Are you kidding me?" I said loudly, just waking up to crazier Louis and Niall.

"Leemo, this will be good for you! You keep making us remind you that you need to move on. And you don't have much of a choice, right Nialler?" Louis said.

"Yup! We've already set everything up with a great guy. His name is Tom and we think you're gonna like him a lot!" Niall replied, beaming at me.

"What?! You set me up on a blind date? That's so much worse than setting me up with someone I do know!" I said in frustration, pacing my room.

They rolled their eyes in unison and looked at each other before looking back at me. "Don't be weak, Liam. Just go on the date and you'll enjoy it," Louis said tiredly.

"Weak? How am I being weak?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at them.

"You know how! Don't ask stupid questions!" Louis snapped back.

Niall held him back and made Louis sit on my chair at my desk to cool off. "And it's not like you're making this easy for us or even yourself. I mean, be honest, Liam. When was the last time you actually made a new friend or even met someone new this year?" Niall asked.

I opened my mouth to answer, but closed it when I couldn't come up with anything. I sighed and sat down on my bed. "Fine. You win there. But that still doesn't mean you can just set me up with some dude that I don't even know the slightest thing about."

"We said his name was Tom," Louis informed me, seeming to be more calm now.

"But that was it. What else can you tell me about him?" I asked.

"Pretty sure you'll get to know him on your date. You guys will talk and introduce yourselves to each other," he replied.

Niall sighed and I could tell he gave in to me. "Fine. He's the same age as us and he's part of a sports team here at the uni. There."

"What sport?" I asked curiously now. What? I just wanna know some things about this guy before I go out with him. I mean, IF I do go out with him.

"Why does it matter? We know you're into guys that are sportsy, so there," said Louis sassily and got up from the chair.

"I wanna know, so I'm prepared as to what to talk abou- " I informed him.

"Swimming or diving. He's a swimmer, but mostly a diver," Niall said in defeat and walked to the door with Louis. "So that's a 'yes' that you're going, right?"

"Well, I - " I started to answer, but Louis cut me off.

Louis shook his head at me and grabbed my shoulders. "No, Payno. Absolutely no backing out. You are going to go on this date with Tom, the diver, tonight."

"But - " I tried to say, but he shushed me.

"You're going, Liam. No backing out whatsoever. We tried really hard to find you a great guy that ISN'T Andy anymore. We think he's the right one. Show your appreciation to us, as your most amazing best friends that never gave up on you. All you have to do is go on this date tonight," Louis said, looking me in the eyes.

"And like him back. Cuz Tom already really likes you. He has for the past year now, but he never got the chance to meet you because you were with Andy," Niall added.

Before I could even say anything, Louis said, "So...That means you have to like Tom and go on more dates with him."

"Umm...That's not part of the agreeme- " I argued, but they waved me off, already heading out of my room.

"We'll keep making you go on dates anyway! Just get used to it, Payne! Or else," Louis called back, pulling a laughing Niall after him.

I sighed and let out a deep breath. "Great. Just what I need."

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