Yesterday was fun,today not so much

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Chapter 8

Cade's POV

I heard a knock on my door. It was Niall,

"You ready cade? I wanna get there as soon as possible so we can play longer!!" We we're going to the carnival for our first date. Well our first official date since we became an official couple!

"Yes! I'm ready. Let me grab my purse babe!" I grabbed my purse from on my bed and looked at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked good. I was wearing my black skinny jeans, a purple tank top and my army green denim jacket. My hair was up in a half bun hairstyle and I had on black flats. I looked alright so I stepped out and greeted Niall he was wearing a blue teeshirt with and airplane on it and some jeans.

"You look great Cade!"

"Thanks Ni. You look good to."

"But not as good as you. Let's go!" He grabbed my hand and we went down to his car. He had a nice yellow Ferrari. He opened my door and I sat down. Then he went around to the driver seat and started the car. After about 30 minutes driving we parked in a big field. We walked over to where the carnival was and Niall bought our tickets.

"Where to first cutie?"

"I wanna do some rides first."

"Yay I love rides! Come on their over here!" We ran together over to the rides. First we did a roller coaster that went upside down and it did loops and spun all around. Next we went on a ride that slings you up in the air. Then we decided to visit the house of mirrors. One mirror made Niall all short and fat and we both fell in the floor laughing.

"I'm hungry now!" Shouted Niall

"Me too!" I shouted back. We both started laughing while we walked over to the food.

"What should we get?" He asked

"Pretzels!!" I said cuz I loved pretzels.

"Omg I love pretzels!"

"Me too!" We went over to the pretzel booth and Niall got one for us to share because they where huge.

"Weh should do shome gamesh now!" Niall said with a mouth full of food"I wanna win you a prish!"
I blushed and agreed. He was so sweet. When we were done with our pretzel,Niall led me to the games and decided to do the dart board first. He won me a stuffed giraffe. Giraffes are my favorite animal. Then we played against each other on the game where you squirt water into the clowns mouth and I won a free bag of popcorn and I gave it to Niall because I don't like popcorn. We played games and rode on rides till it was late. When it got dark I was fine because there were plenty of lights around. Finally after Niall got his popcorn we went on the Ferris wheel. Niall helped me on and then climbed on with me. We rode in silence for a while just enjoying the view. When we got to the top Niall pulled me into a kiss and I never wanted it to stop. His lips were so soft and tasted of popcorn and Carmel. I watched his eyes flutter closed as he deepened the kiss. Soon my eyes were closed and it felt perfect. We were interrupted when we got to the bottom and the cart came to a jerky stop and we both fell. Niall pulled me up from the floor and we both laughed and laughed.

"Did you have a good time?" He asked me once we got into the car

"I had the time of my life. It was so much fun!"

"I'm glad." He stopped and focused on the road for a minute. He looked so pretty and perfect. I loved him so much. Then he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers before pulling them up to his soft lips and kissed them. He set our hands down on his lap and I couldn't be more content. Once we got home. He dropped me off at my room and kissed me goodnight. Then he sleepily walked to his room and I hopped  in my warm sheets and fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of Niall gagging and moaning so I went to find him. I found him in the bathroom puking his brains out

"Niall honey what happened?!"

"I don't feel good Ca-" he was interrupted by another dry heave "but I think I'm good to go to bed now."

"Niall I'll take care of you come get in bed and I'll get you a hot water bottle.I'm sorry you don't feel good." I picked him up under his arms and he leaned on me while I walked him to his room. Once he was settled in his bed I went downstairs to get the warm water bottle.

"Here you go sweetie. Just put that on your tummy."

"Thanks Cade.oww!! It hurts so bad. I-oww!" I could see tear a tear run down his cheek."baby it hurts really-oww-bad!!"

"I know Niall. Here let me rub your stomach." I sat down on the bed and put my hand on his shirtless stomach. "Do you want the tv on Ni?"

"Sure. I'm so sorry baby,this was not how I intended to spend our Sunday!" I tuned the tv on and answered while I filed through the channels

"It's perfectly fine baby you can't help it."

"Rodger can take care of me if you don't want to."

"No sweetie I want to. It's good practice."

"Practice for what?"

"When I have kids." I thought about some mini Niall's running around

"Your so silly-ow ow ow ow!!

"Oh baby!" I reached down and rubbed his aching tummy. "Hold the water bottle over it the heat will help. Do you have a fever?" I reached and felt his forehead "oh my gosh baby your burning up!!"

"Can you do me a favor Cade?"

"Sure love! what is it?"

"Snuggle with me!"

"Sure baby!"

I pulled the covers over my body and hugged Niall

"That's better. Can we cuddle more often?"

"Sure!just go to sleep and you'll feel better in the morning." I reached up and planted a kiss on his forehead. "I love you!"

"I love you too!" Soon enough I heard loud snoring and Niall was completely asleep.

"I need you more than anything in the world Niall . Since I've meet you I've stoped cutting!" I whispered in his cute soft little ear!

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