Job search

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Chapter 2

Niall POV

When Cade arrived at my house yesterday she looked beautiful. Her blond hair fell perfectly over her shoulders but she had one strand that fell in her face. This morning when she came to breakfast she was all dressed. I was still topless and in my sweatpants but she was wearing a black teeshirt and black leggings with a army green denim jacket.

"You want an omelet miss?" Roger asked her

"Sure thanks roger."she said receiving her plate of cheesy eggy goodness

"It's my job ma lady."

"Again my name is Cade."

"Sorry miss but This is just what I'm used to. It may take me a while before I don't need reminding."

"That's ok. The omelette was great roger I'm heading off to find a job today. Do you know any where that's hiring?" She asked me

"Why do you need a job." I was really truly confused

"To help pay for rent?"

"It's taken care of cutie." I guess you can say I'm pretty confident when it comes to being romantic. If I like a girl I'll flirt with her. It's what my male mind is set out to do.

"Stop calling me cutie I'm not your girlfriend!I moved here to focus on my photography not jump into finding a mate! So stop being such a horny basterd!!"

I hate to say it but her screaming did turn me on a bit. I'm a teenage boy what can I say. (I'm 19 btw) she then ran out the kitchen and stomped up the stairs.

I stood up and leaned over the kitchen island,

"Maybe you should step the romantics down a notch sir."

"But I really like her roger."

"You don't even know her Niall."

"But she's pretty and she smells nice."

"Do you really think the way a girl looks is all that matters?"

I stood there with my head in my hands

"I made a mistake Roger I should have just waited but now I've ruined any chance I have with her in the future."

"Maybe you should just start by getting to know her. Go apologize and then offer to help her find a job."

"Do you think it will work?"

"It's worth a shot sir."

"Ok I'll try."

I ran up the stairs and knocked on Cade's door.

"I'm not in here!!"

"You sure about that?"

"No,what do you want?"

"To apologize. I shouldn't have come on so strong and I'm sorry if I scared you away. I just get caught up in your beauty."

"You know there's more to me then my beauty."

"I know and I'm sorry. Do you maybe want me to go with you to find a job?"

"Sure I guess." I hear light sniffles coming from her room

"Are you crying."

"No! I'll be out in a minute."

"K" but why was she crying. She seemed so happy before. Could it have been me? But she seemed more angry than sad and plus we're not even close it shouldn't have made her that sad that we fought.i went to my room and changed into jeans and a blue shirt and went downstairs

when she finally came downstairs she looked really pretty. Her hair now up in a ponytail and she wore grey flats and tones of bracelets on both arms. She wore those bracelets yesterday to. Could she be she was to pretty to ever think about Niall that's none of your business.

"What are you staring at?" She didn't sound mad just curious

"Not a thing."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Tell me or I'll scream."


"5 4 3 2 1.."and then she started screeching at the top of her lungs


She stoped and looked at me with a face that said 'go on then'

"I was staring at you cuz you look nice ok!"

"You think I look nice?"

"Yes is that so bad that you look nice and I want to take it all in." Oh my God Niall you are such a flirt. STOP IT!

"Let's just go. We're to first?"

"Um I'm a tad hungry."

"We had breakfast an hour ago." She chuckled and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard

"I know but.."

"We can find something to eat after we go to one place for a job."

"Oh btw there's a bookstore just down the road that's hiring we can go there first."

"A BOOKSTORE!!!!"she ran out of the penthouse grabbing my wrist on the way. We got to the bottom and she ran out of the building. "WHICH WAY NIALL. I LOVE BOOKS AND BOOKSTORES AND LIBRARIES AND READING.." she started squealing and jumping up and down.

"This way." I walked and she bounced down the road till we got there and she excitedly opened the doors and went to the front desk

"Hi. I'm here because of your job offer."

"Yes right come with me." And they disappeared into a room to the back

Cade's POV
when she took me back to the room In the back corner of the store I was kinda nervous.

"Do you have any previous experience in salesmanship?"

"I used to work in a bakery yes." We talked about a lot more things and I showed her some papers and the next thing you know she said

"I look forward to seeing you at work Cade."

"Thank you so much I can't wait either!" After that I ran out and found Niall patiently waiting on me. That was one of the things I liked about him so far he was really quiet and patient. I ran and jumped into his armes giving him an enormous hug


Niall's POV

Omg! She just hugged me. She was so bubbly and sweet and apparently she liked books. A LOT!

"Well that was quick. I told Roger we wouldn't be back till around super time so we have some time to look around town?"

"I'd love to Niall!"

"Yay!I'm still hungry."

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