Cade's birthday

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Chapter 6

Niall's POV

Tomorrow was Cade's birthday and I needed to get her something really special. I thought for a really long time on what to get her. I HAVE AN IDEA!!!

Cade's POV

Today I had work and I really loved working in the bookstore especially when I get to alphabetize the books. I was putting books away in the children's area when I heard the door open

"Hello welcome to the store is there anything I can help you with?" The man came over and he was wearing a hat and sunglasses. And a big hoodie and jeans. And somehow I new it was Niall. What was he up to that big goof.

"I need a book to make a girl fall in love with you!"

"Well what kinds of things dose she like?"

"She likes mystery romance novels!"

"Those would be over here. I've read this one and this one and their pretty romantic."

"What about this one you ever read this one?"

"No I've never read this one but I've been wanting to."

"Yes perfect I'll take it!!"

"Perfect right over their is the checkout and my friend Meghan will be happy to help you!"

"Thanks for the help pretty lady!" Now I was sure it was Niall

Niall's POV

When I got home from the bookstore(Cade didn't even know it was me)I went up to my room to finish the rest of her present. I also decided to gift to her my guitar. The one that she played the other night. And I got her a necklace that had a C on it. She would love it!! I hope she does at least. Now I needed to wait till she went to bed and then I want to make her a cake. She said she likes chocolate with strawberry frosting and rainbow sprinkles. She was so cute.

"I'm home Niall!" She gave me a hug. "what did you do today?"

"Just hung  out like usual. Played video games."

"And ate I assume!"

"Yes and ate as well!"

"I had a busy day today so I think I'm gonna go to bed. See you in the morning."

"See ya. Goodnight cutie!" She sleepily walked upstairs and I went to the kitchen to start making her cake.

"Hello sir." Rodger was getting a glass of water

"Hey Rodger. I'm gonna make a cake for Cade's birthday tomorrow."

"Would you like some help sir?"

"No I think I want to do it."

"Ok sir let me know if you change your mind."

"I will. Goodnight Rodger."

"Don't burn down the house sir goodnight."

" I won't!"

Rodger walked out of the kitchen and I started baking.

Cade's POV

When I woke up in the morning I smelled cake and I was so exited. Then I hear a knock at the door. It's Niall!

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear caaade happy birthday to you!!" He was singing and playing his guitar and it made me happy. I loved him!

"Good morning Niall thank you."

"Your welcome. Now come with me I have some surprises for you!"

"Some? Woah!!" He pulled me out of bed so quick and rushed me downstairs to the living room. There was a big cake and balloons and presents and streamers.

"Niall did you do all this!"

"Yep I even baked the cake!! Do you like it?"

"Absolutely Niall this is amazing!" I could feel tears building up in my eyes and I blinked them away before Niall could see.

"Cake for breakfast!?!?" Asked Niall.

"Sure we can have cake for breakfast!"

He let me cut into the cake and it was chocolate.

"Niall this is may favorite cake. How did you know?"

"I just did! How doses it taste?"

I took a small bite and it was so good

"This is really good Niall! Are you sure Rodger didn't help make it?"

"Nope it was all me!! Here have a party hat!!" I put the party hat on and finished my cake. "Do you wanna do presents now?"

"Sure!" I giggled and Niall blushed.

"Here's the first one!" He handed me a small jewelry box and when I opened it I gasped. And this time I couldn't hold back my tears.

"Niall this is so beautiful. You didn't have to get me this." I'm sure I looked like a crazy red crying mess. He was so sweet

"Yes I did. Here let me help," he took the necklace and put it around my neck. I held my hair out of the way and he clipped it and let it hang. I held it between my fingers and then gave Niall the biggest hug ever. "Here open the next one!" He handed me a blue guitar case. I set it on the ground and opened it up. It was the guitar that I played the other night with Niall.

"Why are you giving this to me Niall?"

"Cuz it's my favorite guitar and your my favorite girl." He blushed really hard and bit his lip.

"Niall that's so sweet thank you!"

"Your welcome. Now open the last one!!" He gave me a box about the size of a book. My eyes light up before I even opened it up. I tore the lid off and pulled the book out and hugged it and then I opened it and read the title

" beauty and the beast!! I love it Niall!!"

"What do you want to do now Cade?"

" I wanna go take pictures somewhere!"

"I know the perfect place for that !!"

"Where where?!?!?"

"You'll see when we get their!"

"Niall you always do this. It's annoying."

" I know but you love me."

"Niall!" I put my hand on my hip and Niall just laughed.

"Let's go!!"

We drove for about 2 hours and I was getting annoyed

"Niall are we driving to china?"

"No silly girl we'll be their soon."
He pulled over and he told me to get my camera and I went and got it from the trunk.

"NOW where are going Niall?"

"Just through these trees!"

He lead me through some trees and when we came out on the other side there was a big old mossy cobblestone castle.

"Omg Niall this is beautiful!!ill be able to take some amazing pictures."

After about 2 1/2 hours of taking pictures Niall and I went home. When we got their we decided to play some guitar and he taught me how to play "just the way you are" by Bruno mars.

It was the best birthday ever.

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