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Hey, guys. This is just a little... okay, it may not turn out to be so little, but y'know... author's note to explain a few things, and get some things off of my chest.

You guys probably all know that I'm extremely insecure in my writing and I have no faith whatsoever. I'm never pleased with anything I write and I rush every chapter on every story.

But I'm capable of doing much better than what I post on WattPad. I can be more descriptive and make things longer, because I've done it before on pencil and paper.

I'm only 13 guys. I know I'm my going to be the best writer, so I don't understand when you guys tell me I'm an amazing writer, or when you say this is your favorite story. It means a lot and I thank you, but my mind can process it the slightest bit, much less wrap around it.

I never come up with good plots. They're always cliché, overused, or just alright. I want a nice, creative, refreshing story with a great plot that makes you want to keep reading -- a real page-turner. Maybe even something with some type of moral, I dunno. But anything better than what I write.

I really want to be able to improve.

Guys, I just started reading this story- one chapter of it, actually- and the girl's writing was beautiful. It kept you on edge because she didn't explain what was going on yet, and she was nice and descriptive, not the mention the plot was BRILLIANT.

And y'know what? The whole time I was like:

"Why can't I write like that?"

"This is amazing. All of it."

"My work is definitely not like this."

"I don't have good plots and I can't write beautifully like that."

"Maybe I could if I took my time and didn't try to please people."

This isn't a rant about you guys asking me to update. You guys are actually very patient and extremely understanding, and I love you for that.

But I don't deserve your sweet comments, and the votes, and the reads.

I just -- I really love writing, as you all know. It's a passion of mine. But I know I can do better than what I write- though it will still never be as good as that one chapter I just read.

So after I complete Laughter is the Best Medicine, I'm going to start a new one, one with a witty plot. And I'm going to take my time on this, do research, be descriptive- the whole package.

I'll probably end up rushing it too, but we'll see, won't we?

I just CAN'T write but I love all of you anyway.

This really had nothing to do with the story- I just had to rant because I've been bottling it up for a long time and you guys deserve to know how I feel about what you're reading.

Thank you, and that's all folks!

Cute as a button, every single one of you!

Mae xx

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