Chapter 11

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He rubbed his hand over his face. How could he be so stupid? 

He had been thinking about himself the entire time.

He had never once thought about how she would feel.

And he had certainly never thought she would have a boyfriend. 

Untill now.

The image of the naked man was stuck in his mind. When he appeared on Killian's screen, he looked probably just as shocked as Killian. Especially when Killian had finally found his voice and managed to tell him that he was naked. And his sister's bedroom, although he had not said that.

He couldn't look at the man any longer, so he told him to ask Emma to call. After that he quickly hung up, afraid that the man might shift his body and he would get to his... well... private parts...

Killian closed David's laptop and glanced at the clock. It was 1:40 am. Maybe he should get some more sleep.

He walked to his bedroom and laid down on his bed. He rolled on his back, staring at the ceiling.

He couldn't sleep. The naked man was stuck in his head. "Get out of my head!", he silently told the man in his head.

He suddenly started laughing at himself. He was actually talking to a picture of a naked man in his head. Emma was certainly turning him crazy.


His laughter died down. Right. She was there too.

Oh my gosh, what if the naked man was actually her boyfriend? 

What if he had just confessed his feelings for her, while she had a boyfriend? 

But, he tried to reassure himself, she would have definitely told him if she had a boyfriend. 

So the naked man couldn't be her boyfriend. Than why was he naked? And in her bedroom? While she was asleep in her bed?

He couldn't believe that Emma would have one-night-stand's.

This was confusing.

He tried to convince himself that maybe he just called the wrong number, which was nearly impossible since he used the call-sign next to her contact, and the naked man was just a random man he'd never have to see again.

He rolled on his side and stared at a picture of Henry on his nightstand. He missed his son. Maybe he should go and take him somewhere tomorrow. If Regina let him. 

He yawned before closing his eyes and replacing the picture of the naked man with a picture of Henry. That's better. 

Before he even noticed it, he was falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.


He woke up feeling rather good. He softly sang 'Twinkle twinkle little star', his and Henry's favourite song, while getting up and dressed. As he sat on his bed putting on his socks, his computer screen lit up.

He walked over to it, and saw he had an incoming Skype-call. 


Within a second his good mood was gone, as all the memories from the day before flooded back in his mind. 

Him telling Emma he left Regina because was falling in love with her, him calling her back only to find out there was a naked man in her room, and the entire river of thoughts that had kept him from sleeping last night.

He didn't want to answer the call, even though he knew she was only calling him because he had asked her (well the naked man, but he didn't want to think about him again). He was scared that they might end up in a fight. But he couldn't just reject her.

So he answered.

And as soon as her face appeared on the screen he swore his heart skipped a beat.

He took a moment to appreciate how beautiful she was, and, strangely enough, she seemed to be doing the same.

"Hi", her voice broke the silence carefully.

"Hi", he answered, trying to look away but failing.

"Why did you call me this morning?", she asked. 

He felt something inside him disappear. The little spark of hope he had that maybe, just maybe, the naked man was just some random lad who he had accidentaly called. But Emma's words just confirmed that the guy was actually in her room.

"I, uhh, wanted to talk to you about...", he paused, not really which words to use, "about what I told you yesterday, but your uhh, boyfriend answered for you."

"Boyfriend?", she asked, her face filled with confusion, "Graham isn't my boyfriend, he just a friend."

"Then why was he naked and in your bedroom?", he heard his own voice raising with anger. He hadn't noticed that he was getting angry. Strange.

"Because...", she said, clearly searching for words.

"Because what?", he nearly spit, his voice filled with anger and frustration now, "Because you heard what I said about falling for you and decided that you couldn't just tell me you didn't feel  the same, but that you had to rub it in my face by sleeping with a random lad and having him answer my calls? Is that what you wanted to do?"

"No, I just got really drunk last night and I think I slept with him, but I am not sure 'cause-"

"Are you trying to make me feel better or something?" He interrupted. He was really angry right now. He was admitting things to her, fears, that he hadn't even admitted to himself. She tented to have that effect on him. He loved that about her. 

He felt a smile creep up his face. No. Stop it. He was supposed to pissed at her. Good. Now continue.

"Because it's not working. You know what? You are horrible, you seriously are. How dare you even call me back? I'm pretty sure Mr. Naked Man told you I saw him naked, so you're genious plan has worked. I am so disgusted by you right now tha-"

"Killian stop!", she nearly screamed, tears welling up in her eyes, "Look, I know you won't believe me, but last night meant nothing to me. And I am really, really, really sorry for what happened this morning and, and..."

Tears were falling down her face.

"And what?"

"I, I feel disgusted too. But not because of Graham, but because you feel disgusted by me", she said softly, looking down at her lap.

"Why do you care if I find you disgusting?"

"Because I'm your sister", ouch, that hurt. "And you have to believe me Killybear, last night really meant nothing."

"You don't have to apologise to me for having a one-night-stand", Killian said, suddenly aware that he was acting really weird today.

"I do though, 'cause uhmm..."

"Because what Emma?", she wasn't making any sense. What the bloody hell was going on?

"'Cause I think...", he saw her having an inner battle with herself, as if she wasn't sure whether she should say it or not.

"I got to go, bye Killian!", she stood up. But he wasn't going to let her leave. Although she could just press end call. Nevermind.

"No wait! EMMA!! Because of what?"

"'Cause I'm falling for you too..."

A/N Hi Hi!!! I have decided that I am going to try to update every sunday, although I failed because it is already monday right now. (Here, so let's just say that I managed to update on time  because somewhere in the world it has to be sunday😊)

Anyway, hope you enjoy!

(Btw, 59 votes???😢😢, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!)

(Wattpad was being stupid so this didn't upload when I wanted it to, but I did try to upload it on Sunday/Monday😕)

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