Chapter 1

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Regina and Killian

They met in highschool, fell in love and it has always been just them since then. Killian tries to remember himself what made him fall in love with Regina. Were it her eyes? Was it that shy smile she gave him? He remembers that it was for both of them their first day of highschool and they both didn't know anyone. It only made sense that they would be hanging out together. But what made him fall in love with her?

The first few months they were just friends, really good friends actually, since they were eachothers only friends. They did everything together. And then suddenly everything changed. He felt different about her and she about him. From now on they weren't just friends anymore, they were girlfriend and boyfriend.

Killian fell down on his bed. Why can't he just come up with his vows? Regina is his best friend and he loves her with his whole heart but he still can't figure out what he is going to say.

There's a soft knock on his door. "Killian? May I come in?". Before he can even answer Zelena, his soon to be sister-in-law, walks into the bedroom. "What are you doing bro?", she asks. "Stop calling me bro, it sounds really stupid", he says. "And I am trying to write my vows but I just can't come up with anything". Zelena sits next to him on the bed and takes the still empty paper from his hands. "Hey, Killian, relax, it are just vows"."JUST VOWS?", he responds, "these aren't just vows, these are a way to express my love to Regina in front of all our loved ones!"

"So what if you mess them up? Regina already knows you love her, and so do I, our parents and your brother, no need to write a complicated love poem, just tell her how you feel about her. You don't even have to write anything down, just improvise it, makes if more real too."

"Thanks Zelena", Killian says still confused that these words just came out of Zelena's mouth. Zelena is probably one of the most stupidest girls he has ever met.

"Anytime bro", she says winking at him as she stoop up and walked out of the room.

Emma and Neal

Emma walked through the park looking for Neal. He should have been back already, but there was still no sign of him. What if he got killed? What if someone kidnapped him? She couldn't handle living without him, it would just screw her over more than she already was.

Suddenly someone stood behind her grabbing her waist. She jumped up, already lifting her arm to hit whoever touched her when she turned. She sighed in relief, it was just Neal. "Relax", he said, "it's just me".

"Thank God your okay, you got me worried sick, you should have been back an hour ago, did something go wrong?", Emma asked him still feeling kind of shaky. "Nope", Neal said simply, "just missed the train. And look, I got the stuff!". He put his hand in pocket and pulled out a plastic back with some white stuff inside. "How much?" "0.022 lb, enough for at least 1,000 dollars."

"Let's go sell this heroin and make some money then I guess", Emma said. She wanted to get rid of the stuff right away, what if they would get caught? "Yes, we will, but first..." Neal interrupted himself by kissing Emma. She kissed him back before pulling away and smiling happily as they walked away through the park.

As they walked to the group of guys they would be selling the drugs to, Emma thinks about how she and Neal first met. It was 3 years ago, she just turned 14 and celebrated it by going shopping with her best friend Belle. When they got hungry they went to eat something at this bar called Goldies. Once waiter came the girls just couldn't stop staring at him, he was young, probably only two years older then them, and he was hot! The next weeks Emma went almost every day to Goldies, just for Neal, which, as she had discovered, was his name, just to see him. After three weeks she finally had the courage to ask him out and that's when it really started.

"What is it?" Neal asks as Emma starts giggling at the memory. "Nothing", she says, "just remembering how we met, I can't believe it's been three years already." "I know, me neither", Neal says. They continue to walk in silence as they approach the guys who will be buying their drugs...

A/N so I actually don't think anyone is going to read this, so I am not sure when I am updating this, it's probably just more for myself than for anybody else, 'cause I have had this idea in my head for a long time and I just had to write it down. Anyway, bye?

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