Chapter 2

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Killian and Regina

Today was the day. The sun shone bright and there were roses everywhere, it smelled amazing! Regina stood in her dressing room with her sister Zelena, her mother Cora and her best friend Mary Margeret. They were just trying to put the dress on her. "Auch!", Regina cried, "I must have gained weight or something, it fitted perfectly when I tried it on last week." Zelena looked at her, her eyes narrowing as she was thinking, which she never did. "Maybe", she said, "maybe you're pregnant."

The words hit Regina hard. Could she be pregnant? That would be an amazing start of her new life with Killian. She decided to go to the doctor, immediately.

"No! You can't leave now!", Cora said angrily. "Oh hush mother", Regina responded irritated, "the wedding is more then 3 hours away, an appointment with the doctor will last less then one hour." She put her jeans and a sweater on and started looking for Killian.

Killian was just making sure the wedding planner got their music right. It would not happen that they played the wrong song for their first dance. It had to be 'Trouble I'm in' by Twinbed, because it represented the way he felt about her. Sighing in relief that they got the right song he heard someone approaching him. He quickly turned around and saw his soon to be wife.

"Killian, I have to go to the doctor, and you have to come with me", she said. Killian got confused. She didn't look sick or something. "What's wrong hun?", he asked her. "I.... uhhh... My wedding dress doesn't fit anymore, so Zelena said that I might be pregnant, so we have to go find out". "3 hours before our wedding?", Killian asked confused before realising what she had just told him. "Wait, you might be pregnant?"

Emma and Neal

They walked towards the group of guys when she suddenly grabbed his arm with one hand and her stomach with the other. "Emma? What's wrong?", Neal said, worried that she might got shot or something. "Nothing", she answered, "just feeling a little nauseous, the whole week actually." That's when it hit her. She had been feeling nauseous the entire week. She couldn't be pregnant right?

"Are you sure you're okay?", Neal asked interrupting her thoughts. She assured him she was fine and they walked on.

They approached the group. "Do you have the stuff?", a guy with long greasy hair and a long beard asked. "Only if you have the money", Neal answered. The guy showed him 12 hundred-dollar bills. Neal was about to take it, but the guy let the money slid back into his pocket. "First the stuff", he said.

Neal handed the stuff to him. He weighted it on his hand, nodding in aprovement. "Come on guys, we can leave, we got what we wanted", the guy said. "No wait, the money", Emma shouted. "You want money? Come and get it", the guy responded taking his hand out of his pocket. Instead of holding the money in his hand, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Emma.

"No", Neal screamed, "we made a deal, I get the money and you get the drugs." "Yes we did make that deal, but if you're dead the deal is off the table right?", the guy said, aiming the gun at Neal and pulling the trigger...

A/N so, I actually really enjoy writing I just found out, even though I don't have any readers. It's actually really nice to write a fanfic😊😊. If you are reading this, please leave a comment!!!

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