Charlotte picked James and before we knew it we were in the ambulance and ready to go. That's where I am now, still in a lot of pain and with very worried looking boys.

"Abbie?" brad asked looking at me.

"Yes brad" I replied weakly.

"I love you." he said before kissing me on the cheek.

"I love you too" I whispered. that was probably to most heart stopping thing anyone has ever said. no one apart from my mum and dad have ever said I love you and it just made my whole heart stop.

we arrived at the hospital, me and Charlotte were quickly rushed into the xray area. I went in first. they asked if brad wanted to come but I don't know why, but I really didn't want him to come in with me.

It was absolutely awful, I was told that I wasn't aloud to move my stomach and I had to stay completely still. they did two X-rays. One on my jaw and mouth and then one on my chest. The nurses and doctors weren't that nice either. they moved me into any place or position they wanted to and they didn't care if it hurt. at one point they moved my jaw and I was crying pain and they said 'try not to cry'. well I am sorry I probably have a broken jaw and your making it worse by moving my head to where ever you want it to go. God peoples these days. if only brad was in here. Why did I say no? if he was in there I wouldn't be treated like a dog!

They said it would take up to three hours just to see if I had a broken jaw! isn't it already obvious enough?! oh and too make things worse whilst char was having her x ray with Jess with her, I got given my own room for the time being which was good I suppose. Well until I found out that I had to have a needle stuck in my arm so it will give me liquid because if something bad happens to my jaw and I have to have an emergency operation then 'apparently' I can't eat for 24 hours. yeah right. like that's going to happen. I can hardly go an hour before I need something to eat. let alone 24!

Everyone was now crowded around my bed and were playing hang man. well most of us. Charlottes asleep in her room and my mums gone home but she's coming back tomorrow morning. I've been waiting two hours for the results and I'm actually starving. I haven't eaten in 11 hours. this is a world record I think. brads still really worried but honestly I'm fine. I'm in safe hands. I'm the hospital so if my jaw gets worse then it's not like I have to go far and I've got all my friends with me. what more can you ask for?!

"Abbie you alright, your staring right at me?" Connor said waving his arms in front of me.

"Oh right sorry, just day dreaming.?" I said back.

"Surely you want to go to sleep, you've been through a lot today" brad said whilst rubbing my back. it actually hurt quite a lot but never mind. I'm actually really tired but I have to wait for the results then I'll go to sleep. well at least try

"I'm actually really tired but I really want to know what's happened to my chest and my jaw first and then after I'll go to sleep" I said and everyone just nodded. we played hang man for another twenty minutes when a nurse stormed into my room.

"Hi abbie. we have your results, would you like to know?" she said. no I just stayed up two hours and twenty minutes just for nothing.

"Yeah she would" James said answering for me. I must of been daydreaming again. I've got to stop doing that.

"One minute I'll go and get them" she said before walking out and shutting the door again. another ten minutes of waiting and she came back in again, this time holding the results. I'm scared.

"Well abbie, it looks like you have a broken jaw and a bruised rib. you won't need surgery for your rib but I will need a doctor to see if your broken jaw needs to have surgery or not" oh great I'm not looking forward to this at all! I've never had surgery. i never wanted to. I wanted to be the kind of girl that's never been in hospital, never had a blood test, x-Ray and definitely not an operation! I'm going to kill Nathan!

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