Chapter 12

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I knew that when I woke up everything seemed weird and lonely, I felt lonely. I didn't bother getting changed and couldn't be bothered to do my hair, all I wanted to do was cry. it had been a week and a day since me and brad had actually talked and I felt lost, I felt like a lost puppy. the only reason I went out was to go to jesses house where Charlotte and jess were having a film marathon and they asked me to join, I did my hair but I just stayed in my onsie all week apart from when I needed to wash it, the first time I wore it since that night I could smell brad all over it and his cologne which was amazing. I felt like I was still with him If I wore it so thats what I did.

The night that it happened I stayed in my room until brad had gone and then I ran downstairs where everyone was on the sofa, char didn't sleep round but everyone else did, Charwas getting her stuff together and had already booked a taxi to take her home, I felt bad but there was nothing I could do, I had problems of my own. I said goodbye to Char and then sat on the sofa and started to cry, brad left my onsie on the floor and just went, I know that he was trying to talk to me but I didn't listen, I didn't want to.

The only reason that I wasn't ok about the whole cheating on girls and the go to another girl thing was because once I was going out with this boy called Jack, I was only 13, he was my first love, we went out for nearly two years and then I found out he was cheating on me, I broke up with him and went out with another girl the next day. This left me heartbroken, it seemed like I cried for days. he then started making rumours up that I never liked him and apparently I cheated on him behind his back, this is when the bullying got worse, everyone hated me, nobody would talk to me, people called me names and I lost the most important person in my life at the time, jack. but now I'm over him but I just didn't want it to be the same as what happened all those years ago.

He had been trying to text me and apologising but that wouldn't make it better for him, I wanted him to say it to my face that I was different. I know that me and brad weren't even going out but I think he might like me but I'm not sure, if he thought that I was actually different then he would come and say it to me in person, but I never actually thought for one second that he would, but he did.

That afternoon that he came I had just been watching spongebob and watching sad films which made me cry even more. I didn't do my hair, it was just up in a messy bun and of course I was In my penguin onsie which was slightly embarrassing when I answered the door to see that brad was there, I honestly felt like crying, my mum was at work so it was just me in the house, I knew that It couldn't be my mum, jess or Charlotte but I thought it could of been tris, James or Connor so I opened the door because I didn't care what I looked like in front of them.

I was completely shocked when I saw him, and so was he, I think he could tell that I was crying, but only over the films. I was really tired and I wondered if it was actually brad so I asked, and it was, he apologised and told me that I was different, and basically everything that I wanted him to say. He looked really nervous as if he was going to ask something else but he never did. We just stood there for about 2 minutes in nothing but awkwardness, that's until I asked him if he wanted to come in and he did, I asked if he wanted a cup of tea and he said that he was alright, I could see he was shaking so I put a blanket round him because I thought he was cold and I ran upstairs to get changed.

After we stood in awkward silence for 2 minutes she finally invited me inside, i think she could tell I was really nervous because she asked if I wanted tea and I said no and also she wrapped a blanket over me before she ran upstairs to get changed. even when she looked like a tramp she was beautiful If that even makes sense.

She was gone about half an hour I think but when she came down she looked even more beautiful I couldn't get my eyes off her.

"Brad are you ok?" she said confused, I don't know, was I actually ok? even I didn't know at this point.

"Brad, anyone there, b-r-a-d-l-e-y?" she said slowly.

"Yeah Im sorry I was daydreaming" I assumed that she was still annoyed at me but she'd kind of forgotten about it for a minute. I felt as if I had my abs back. Even though she wasn't mine yet.

Abs sat next to me and I apologised once again to her, this time she completely forgave me and she said it was herself to blame getting upset and all, I said of course it wasn't her fault but she didn't listen. she then told me the reason why she was annoyed at me in the first place, she told me that when she first had her first love he cheated on her and he made up rumours and she was scared I would end up doing it to her, and of course I would never do anything to hurt or upset Abbie in anyway, I guess I already had but I think she's forgiven me.

We were talking for hours about god knows what, but I didn't care we were Friends again and that's all I cared about. and that's all I could ever ask for. I was going to come here not just to apologise but I was going to ask her if she wanted to go on another date, I thought she would say no though.

"Abs" I said with puppy eyes

"Yes and by the way those eyes don't fall me" she said

"I was wondering if tonight maybe, but I understand if you don't,doyouwanttogobackonadatewit-" she interrupted me

"This time say it so that I can actually understand you" she said which made me nervous laugh.

"Ok then, I was wondering If tonight you would maybe like to go back on a date with me?" I asked. Her eyes starting glowing and she started smiling which made me smile back.

"Of course I will Bradley" she said and then I kissed her on the cheek. she didn't know yet but tonight if it all goes well I might ask her out, but I don't know if its too early or she might say no or maybe she doesn't like me at all! I told abs to wear something not casual but not to dressy, she has no idea where I'm taking her either. this time I thought well and I brought my own clothes, i left them in the car because I didn't know if Abs was going to accept my apology. But she did, I was so worried for tonight and I thought I would have a nervous breakdown if I wasn't careful.

So I guess me and brad are all good, and I knew it was coming and he asked me out on a date again, of course I couldn't say no because I liked him but I just didn't want it to be awkward. This is mine and brads forth date and still hasn't asked me out, I was getting the picture that he did like me but and then I wouldn't Which made me really confused.

Brad told me to wear something not to casual and not too dressy, so I decided that it was quite hot outside and that I would wear my new skater dress that my mum brought me a few days ago and my white converse, also I straitened my hair. I still had no Idea where we were going but I never really know with him, but I was guessing as it was nice outside it would be something outside.

I have to say I was quite excited as I hadn't seen brad in sooooo long and it will be great to catch up and I know that I have known brad for however long it's been but It was still good to go out with him on dates just to learn more about him.

He also told me to be ready for 6 and it was 5:30 when I was ready I went downstairs and brad had completely fallen asleep on the sofa, I then ran over to the sofa and piled on top of him and making him wake up.

"Abbie get off me!" brad said annoyed

"What are you implying Bradley, I'm heavy?" I said whilst laughing.

"Oh Abs, no just get off me I was trying to sleep" he said laughing.

"Fine then" I said, then got off him, I completely ruined my hair but I just laughed.

"Do you want a tea" I said making brad suddenly pop up.

"Oooo yes please" he said I then realised that he hadn't even got changed yet.

"Ok then, are you wearing that because If you are, am I a bit to overdressed" I said worried

"No it's fine I haven't got changed yet, let me just go to the car and get the stuff, can I get changed in the bathroom?" he said and I said yes, whilst he we to the car I made his tea, tonight was amazing already and it hadn't even started yet.

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