Chapter 28

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I can't call the police.... I just can't, I need too but we have been warned and Im going to listen to what he said because I am literally terrified of that man and I don't want to see the bad side of him, even though what can be much worse than him stabbing someone and then kidnapping two girls. yep he's insane.

Surely he will never be able to get me or any of my friends and family because I'm sure if I rung the police there will be more police than him anyway. I was safe if I rung the police, I shouldn't be scared of one man when there are probably hundreds that will protect us.

Come on brad do it. Just call. why are my hands shaking. just do it, you idiot! stop being such a baby! do it for them. I slowly picked up the phone and started to dial the number. *9* stop your putting your family In danger! *9* do it for them both! *9* that was it I've I done it! now I just have to wait for someone to answer.

"Hello" a woman asked.

"H-hi" I bluntly replied. I was shaking. why am I so nervous it's just the police.

"Are you alright ,love?" She said sweetly. she sounded like she was elderly, she was sweet and kind hearted I can tell already. at least it's not some butch man that has bigger abs than James. That was the kind of person I was expecting to answer.

"I u-u-umm" I couldn't speak.

"Calm down, relax, its alright now tell me what's happened." she spoke calmly which made me relax a little.

"My th-they ha-hav-" I was interrupted

"Calm down love it's alright." she said nicely again. i think it's just hit me that abs has been kidnapped. that's what's making me so nervous. I can't do this. I can't get in my head that abbie and Charlotte are probably terrified in a corner crying in pain and are filled with fear. it will just break my heart to think that. more than it already has.

"my friends.....we're ki-kidn-apped" I couldn't say it. that word kills me inside.

"Please can you tell me where your friends were kidnapped and what time" she asked. this was not a good time for questions. my minds gone blank. all I can think about is them being hurt and that I need to save them. I want to be called Abbie's super hero. but i feel like I'm letting her down.

"I-I um..u-m...u-um" think brad think.

"Try and remember sweet heart" she said in almost a whisper. calm down brad! for god sake. think brain, think!

"We'll i um. Well one of the girls th-that was kid-kid-napped she went missing so we went looking for her at about her in the town. we found her being almost pushed by a man into his car. the man was dangerous. he has already stabbed my e-ex g-irl-friend." it killed me inside saying 'ex girlfriend' I was speaking with confidence and I was being brave until I mentioned Abbie being already stabbed once.

"It's alright love. please can you tell me the rest of what happened and what time that he took them both" she asked. I really wanted to cry. going back through what happened tonight is hard to think in my head, let alone to someone on the phone, that's in the police force.

"Well after finding Charlotte. My ex gi-girlfriend abbie was taken to. I'm scared, she has already been stabbed once. what is he capable of this time?" I began to cry. I have never really thought that I may not ever see able again but it hit me, she might be killed.

"Thankyou for telling me sweety. will be searching the areas from now and we will call if we find anything. Don't get too worried and stay safe. don't go looking for them because this man is very dangerous. leave it to us if you want to be safe." And with that the line went dead. what does she mean 'this man is very dangerous' how did she know who he was?! Was he known for this kind of thing? has he done it before? yeah of course I knew he was dangerous, he stabbed abbie for god sake but I didn't know he was that dangerous that a lady I've given little information to knows who it is.

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