Chapter 2

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I wonder who it could be, I thought to myself. I then turned around to a very tired looking Charlotte "Char hurry up and get changed, someone is at the door" I said to her before shouting "JUST COMING" really loud.

I opened the door to a really really hot guy with the cutest accent in history
"Hello?" He said looking confused. At this point I was almost dribbling because I knew who it was but I didn't want to show it but it was bradley Simpson i tried my hardest not to show so I just said
"Hello" trying not to faint.

"Are you ok?" still looking confused
"Yeah I am fine" I said back

"Hey you are new here aren't you, I swear I have seen you here before, I mean we have only been here for a few days but I swear I haven't seen you" he said to me leaning against the wall outside

"Yeah I don't think you have as me and my friends came here last night about midnight and we haven't really had the chance to look around yet" I said nervously

"Ok well I'll see you around." he said and began turning around to walk back to his room, but stopped himself and turned back "oh that's what I'm here for! I was wondering uh if your not using them, could we maybe use a few of your milks? it's just I really can't be assed to go al-" I cut him off by going over to the little table in the corner of the room and grabbing as many little milk cartons my little hands could grab.
I quickly placed them in brads hands, he smiled quickly, mumbled a Thank you and walked back to his room.

"Oh my god, holy moly, oh my!" I shouted to Charlotte who was making a hot chocolate

"What's up, what just happened, who was it" Charlotte shouted before I said

"It was BRADLEY SIMPSON FROM THE VAMPS" I shouted running around the room.

"Omg, wait calm down and do not tell jess because she will have a mental breakdown and probably cry" Charlotte whispered

"Ok, but as soon as she wakes up I will tell her calmly and softly" I whispered back to her.


Once jess had got up and ready and did her hair and makeup I thought it might be a good time to tell her.

"Jess" I said quietly

"Yes" she said back

"Well you know last night when got to the hotel and we thought there we fans outside but we shook it off?" I said

"Yes I remember that" she said looking confused

"Well this morning whilst you were asleep I got up and changed and there was a knock at the door" I said slowly

"And then what happened" she whispered

"Well it was BRAD SIMPSON FROM THE VAMPS" I sayer loudly

"Your lying" she said

"You have to believe me, honestly I'm not he came to the door and asked if we wanted to hang out with him and the vamps sometime" I said

" Omg, omg, omg your lying if it was true you would take me to there room and show me them" she said shocked

"Fine I will follow me" I said happily


When we got to the room I could see that jess was really nervous even though she didn't believe me, I could just tell by the way she was breathing. Charlotte was having a shower so she couldn't come with me and jess but she still did really want to meet them. When we got there I knocked on the door but I felt nervous because he didn't even know my name but I was going to take chances and knock anyway.

"Just coming" a voice said. I knew this wasn't brad which was 10 times worst.

"Hello?" James answered the door. It was so awkward.

"Hi." Jess said in shock

"Sorry hi, I-I just I um I'm sorry to bother you but brad just knocked on my door and uh well my friend wanted to see him for herself because she didn't believe me." I said nervously.

"Wait, I'll get brad so that you Can meet him and I would love to hang out with you guys some time, you seem nice" James said and me and jess blushed and our cheeks went rose red.

"Brad these girls wait-"

"Sorry I forgot to catch both you're names, sorry" James said apologetic

"I'm jess and that's Abbie" jess said quickly

"Brad jess and Abbie are here to see you" James said


Still under so much fucking editing.

Anyway what's your favourite song at the moment?

Also the gif above is the girl i imagine that charlotte is :) 

unexpected {bs}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora