Chapter 17

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It's been a week since every ones huge hangovers, that day was probably the most boring day of my life. everyone just sat there in silence and watched tv or either slept.

On Tuesday my mum asked me and the others if we could paint the living room and we all agreed, she said it needed a change and she wanted a new start. I didn't want to question her so I just did what she said. she said we could get any colour we wanted but knowing everyone they will either pick black or something ridiculous like bright orange. Once my mum had gone to work we all left. we went to wickes because it was closest to my house.

Once we got there everyone ran out the car like five year olds and ran inside to get the paint that they wanted, It's never really that simple though!

Remind me never ever to go anywhere with them lot again! as soon as we got there something went wrong. first brad was running next to me but he knocked over a huge piece of wood which made the biggest sound when it hit the ground, brad ran away leaving everyone to stare at me! I picked it up and slowly walked away as if nothing happened.

The second thing was when we finally all got to the paint. of course tris picked up the bright orange test pot for a joke but when he went to put it back on the shelf, the pot wasn't on the shelf and when he let go the lid came of and splattered all over us and the floor. everyone ran out the shop whilst I quickly grabbed any paint paid for it and then left before anyone could notice. at that point I didn't even realise the amount of paint all over me!

When I got back to the car everyone was laughing at me and I had no idea why, Jess gave me her mirror and it turns out I was completely covered in paint. it was on my face, down my jeans and in my hair and I don't even know why!

When we got home I got some newspapers, paintbrushes and aprons as I didn't want to be covered it paint again. by the time we put the newspaper on the floor it was already 1 pm. I put on some music and we all started painting.

That didn't go very well, we got more paint over us than we did on the wall. The paint fight started when Charlotte got her paintbrush dipped it in the paint and she started flicking it at me. I started flicking it back at her until James got his whole paintbrush dipped the whole thing in and came right up to me and practically drew all over me face. next brad got roller and rolled it down James' face (which was hilarious). The paint fight hadn't even started until Connor got the whole pot and put It all down my back! tris then picked the pot up and ran upstairs making everyone chase after him now leaving paint trails behind us all, I didn't even realise!

After we used up all the paint, we went Down stairs to get a drink. oh no!

"Omg" I heard Jess mumble to herself

"Omg oh god what have we done!" i said panicky because I knew my mum would kill me when she all the paint all over the floor and the walls.

"Abs calm down me and the others will run back to the shop, get more paint and we can just cover it back up" brad said.

"What about the floor?" I asked worrying

"Um well why don't I stay here with you and we can clean it up with a sponge" char said and I agreed. we had 3 hours until my mum would be home so everyone rushed out the door apart from me and char. once they had left we ran to the sink, got the sponges and we started de painting the floors. I guess the fun was over.

After Everyone got back they ran into the living room and started painting straight away, they are so nice. after they finished painting and we finished with the floors, there was only about 20 minutes until my mum was home. there was one stain that wouldn't come out the stairs but we tried as hard as we could but it wouldn't come out so we covered it up with my homework.

After my mum got in we all nervously stood there whilst she inspected our painting. luckily she didn't suspect anything she thought it looked normal! Thank you so much god!

After my mum inspected the room she got really tired and decided to go to sleep so everybody left. I said good bye to everyone hugging in them and sneakily kissed brad just incase my mum saw which I didn't really want to happen. after everybody left I sat on the sofa, watched some spongebob with some popcorn in my hand and fell asleep while the adverts were on. I woke up with popcorn all over me! I looked at my phone and realised that it was 1am I turned the tv off and headed off to sleep and as soon as I hit the pillow I fell straight to sleep.

"Abbie wake up!" I heard someone whisper in my ear.

"5 more minutes!" I said and turned around to see Someone facing me but I couldn't work it out because my eyes were still adjusting. I turned back around until someone shouted

"ABS!" Which made me completely jump out of my skin waking me up completely and I turned around again to see brad staring right at me! how did he get in here?

I instantly ran out my bedroom into the bathroom and I stubbed my toe on the way. I couldn't see what was in my way so I just jumped into the bathroom and locked the door. when I got in I realised that my hair was in a right state! my mascara was all smudged because I forgot to take it off and I was wearing my Spongebob pyjamas that made me look like I was 5. I got into the shower, washed my hair, got out the shower, dried my hair and put my pjs back on quickly before running back into the bedroom and brad was sitting on my bed.

"Sorry about that" I said

"It's fine I love your pyjamas by the way" he said and made me blush. I grabbed my bikini, shorts and a top before running back in the bathroom to get changed.

After I got changed I went back in my room and this time brad was on my laptop!

"You alright there?" I said sarcastically

"Sorry I have to check" he said making me confused because I don't understand what he has to check, it made me so worried.

"Check wha-at" I asked

"Just my twitter, my phone ran out of charge" phew I was so worried not like I had nothing to hide but I just, wait I didn't actually have a reason but I don't know!

"Ok and how the hell did you get in my house" I asked him.

"I came to pick you up and your mum answered the door, she said that I could come in because she said you were asleep so I decided it would wake you up, by the way you snore!" he said and my cheeks started to burn up, So embarrassing!

"Oh ok then and wow thanks I've only been told that about a billion times!" I said making me and brad laugh into fits.

"Are you ready to go then" he asked

"Yep, let me go and say goodbye to my mum and get some food!" I said taking my phone off charge. when we walked down the stairs my mum was on the phone so I just waved whilst I was waving brad got some Jaffa cakes from the cupboard and we walked out the door.

Today me and everyone else were off to the beach. the boys didn't know it yet but today would probably be the last time I see them until I go to college. also I have to tell them that Im going which isn't going to be easy, I didn't really want to leave but It has always been my dream so of course I have to do it.

For most of the way we were in complete silence. it wasn't an awkward silence it was more of a peaceful silence. It was silent till brad asked me the question that nobody has actually ever asked me before. I guess they feel as if I would get to upset if I try to tell anyone. but obviously brad not !knowing me that long he probably didn't know at all.

"Abs, where's your dad" he asked and I couldn't help from stopping the tears from coming out, and trust me they came out like waterfalls. I knew I had to tell him but it was almost impossible to find the words

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