Chapter twenty-four

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Artemis P.O.V

The hunters were depressed, I had told then about Perseus, about how he retrieved Zeus's master bolt, him retrieving the golden fleece and yet giving up the glory to another demigod. I told them about him holding up  the sky for me and befriending one of the greatest hunters, traveling through the labyrinth, and facing kronos is battle.

I explained how he made friends with the romans and united the camps, how he fell into Tartarus for the one he loved and helped defeat Gaea. I told the hunters about how he gave up becoming a god, so he could spend his life with the one he fell in love and the family he created between camps.

They felt guilty it was the morning after I had explained what are guardian has done to help us, and they are all hunched around the dying embers of the fire's there sorrow deep rooted into there souls.

I couldn't help but share there sorrow, I had come to except Percy, however he was not the same young Perseus that I knew, this Perseus held secrets, his eyes held a thousand stories yet not all were happy. The mirth once in his eyes  muted and dead and yet could still be seen on occasions, yet so rare and preciouses.

Thalia had taken It badly and you could see the sadness rolling of her in waves. I had never seen her look so broken. The younger hunters who had come to see Percy as a big brother were distraught, and wanted to leave saying they didn't want  to be apart of a group who enjoyed torturing people who had done them no harm.

I took a deep breath filling my lungs, and relax. I let my senses guide me, let them pick up anything from max the wolf who is surrounded by the rest of the pack mourning there Alpha, to the doe grazing in a nearby meadow.

I snap my eyes open and stare at the edge of the clearing, where tree's stand strong and steady an yet silent. No birds and singing, no rustle of the leaves, or animals hunting of foraging. Just silence.

Coming out of the shadows is an army of monsters, there monstrous form twitching in excitement for what is about to happen. A massacre. I know that not all the hunters will survive this, and it kills me to know this.

My hunters draw there bows and form a defensive potion. Standing strong till the end. Before we fire a thud echo's through the clearing the we are camped in, that shall soon be covered in blood.

The source of the noise comes from a single arrow, black in colour protruding form the ground just in front of the horde of monsters. However before the monsters can question what just happen a scream form one of the monsters resonates around the clearing, and we all turn to see it being dragged into the forest by a metal chain .

Another ear splitting scream sounds before it is cut short and the head rolls back into the clearing and a face of pure terror etched into it.  Another scream sounds and anther head rolls into the clearing, by now all the monsters are fidgeting with fear.

The shadows thicken and the temperature drops until you can see are breath in front of us, and out of the darkness clad in black with monster dust littering the fabric come a person, an aurora of death and pain.

Then in a second he launches himself at the army a whirl wind of pain and death, killing monsters with a feral viciousness, a sword in each hand. The hunters and I take this as an opportunity and start firing at the army as the person slaughters monsters left and right.

Before long the grass holds a layer of monster dust, and trophies form the slayed monsters, and yet I am more focused of what the person in the centre of the killing field is doing. The person has cornered the remaining monster, a group of 10 and seems to be thinking, but before I can voice my thought of who this person is he starts  talking, his voice deep and dark sending shivers down my spine.

" Tell everyone of your kind that the person you call shadow wraith defends the hunters, and if any monsters who target them are signing there death warrant, do you understand." However before they can answer the ground opens up and swallows them ending them to the pit.

I know who this person is, and I think some of the hunters do to. I cant believe he came back, and he saved us again. will I ever not be in his debt ? The person in front me, the one who has torn my hunt apart and made friends with the same people who should hate him. Perseus Jackson.

He turn around and pulls down his hood, we all take in his appearance, however we focus on his eyes they seem dark and dangerouse and yet still scared and some what broken.  " we are so sorry." are the only words that are spoken out of the hunters mouths, but Percy just holds his hand up to silence them.

" Before carry on I think it is time to tell you why I went missing and ended up joining the hunt, after you have heard it then you can decide to except me , and I will decide weather or not to forgive you." his voice is cold and monotone and yet worry can sill be detected if you listen hard enough, and I again wonder what Percy is so scared to reveal and what has frightened him enough to keep it a secret.

It is time to finely try and understand Perseus, and swim through his dark and mysterious past.


Percy Jackson guardian of the huntWhere stories live. Discover now