chapter twelve

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Artemis P.O.V

I watched as the gods flashed out leaving his family, Poseidon, Apollo and me. I patiently waited for Percy to be ready to leave. I heard snippets of the conversations some goodbyes probably to his parents and family, some angrily whispered words that  I couldn't decipher before I saw him walking over with my brother.

"Hello brother, what is it that you need." I say. 

" I would like to have your permission to visit the hunt some time soon as to visit my child." I was shocked at Apollo's request but granted it nonetheless, he then flashed out to wherever.

I then blessed Percy to make him one of the hunters officially and right before we flashed I said five words that made Percy noticeably pale. 

"Thalia's going to kill you." 

We then flashed a couple of miles away from camp and began to walk toward the hunters.I noticed something he didn't have his wings any more this confused me because they were there a second ago, he must have noticed me staring because he let out a light chuckle and explained.

" I can make then appear and disappear, like summoning them." he must have understood the my confused face and answered my next question. " The hunters will be weary of who I am and the way I look as It doesn't scream friendliness. I don't think the wings help me look welcoming, more like it has wings equals bigger target kill thing with wings type of vibe, so I put them down. I don't want to intimidate them." Percy explained.

I then took a look at what he was wearing and how he looked and agreed with the intimidating bit. He looked around 6 ft 4 a lean yet muscled body that you would not mistake for not being deadly in battle. By the way he walked with a grace of a skilled hunter and an air of authority you would not miss that he is a warrior and solider.  A leader that is what he was, he had a aura of trust and power that made you want  to trust and follow him.

I then looked at his clothing, he wore a cloak and hood to hide most of his head, two swords striped to his back, crossing over each other to form an x with the ends peeking over is  shoulders. By the looks of it he had throwing knives in two sheaths crisscrossing his chest and I sensed a third sword but I couldn't see it. However I couldn't see his bow though, I didn't know if there were any hidden weapons I would have to find out.

I then realised I had been staring at him and was about to stop when I noticed his eyes, they were beautiful and captivating yet powerful and deadly, the swirling colours of green, black, red, crimson blending and twirling together in a dance of power. I then I noticed that Percy beautiful and graceful yet powerful and deadly. I quickly stopped were my thought were heading and made myself stop staring at him.

we carried on walking I sometimes had to look over at Percy to make sure he was still next to me because of how quite he walked. We finally made it to the border of camp and I told Percy to wait so he wouldn't surprise the hunters that bad and I could explain what was going on. 

I then called the hunters over to where I was standing and waited for all the hunters to get here. Once they were all gathered around I started talking.

 " Girls we been ordered and given an guardian to protect and help us. He was ordered to do this by Zeus he has no choice." At these words the hunters start shouting about how a male cannot join the hunters and stuff like this.

The only person who wasn't shouting was Thalia, I notice she's thinking abut what this could mean probably wondering what happened to the man from the fight. She hasn't been the same since Percy left, she always searched for him desperate to find him and ask why he left camp.

After every one has stopped shouting and I tell them that we have no choice in the mater, which leads to some grumbling and moaning. I then decide it time for them to meet there guardian. 

" guardian you can come out now." I say toward the direction I left Percy.

I was then really glad he had put away his wings he looked scary enough. As he came toward the clearing the hunters and I were standing in he was suddenly charged at by small 3 blurs and tackled to the floor. All the hunters drew there bows ready to shoot until they heard laughing and every one lowered there bows but still had them ready. I lowered my knife as well but still having it ready. 

As we looked at was going on we were shocked. On top of our new guardian were 3 young girls all hugging him while he laughed and hugged them back. He then stood up and picked up one of them. I think her name was Millie and put her on his shoulders and held hands with the other two girls, they had only been in the hunt for a couple of months and were twins. All had smiles plastered on there faces, which as a shock as the twins rarely talked because they were to shy, even to the hunters.

You could feel the shock coming off the hunters and also confusion at to how he had gained the trust of the young girls. I was confused as well normally the young hunters hated and were scared of all males, but here comes one and they seem to trust there lives with him. I was speechless. There hunters seemed to think the same.

Once I was semi back to reality I decided to get the most important thing done. " Remove you hood and explain who you are guardian." He nodded his head in respect and understanding at the order. This shocked the hunters even more that he was that respectful.

" My name is Percy Jackson." 

Everybody was shocked to say the least." The girls know me as onyx as I was the one who brought them to the hunt." At the name onyx the other hunters raised there bows but put them down once I gave the order.

The sky suddenly darkened and thunder boomed, we all turn around to see Thalia but before we could shout a warning one of the most powerful bolts of lightening shoot down right at Percy and the girls.

As the dust settles and sky brightened we looked to see a hunched figure with his wings spread out covering  the 3 scared girls.A fallen angle. He had saved the lives of the 3 girls by putting himself in front of the lightening and absorbed it impact. we all stood there shocked at how quick it had got deadly and the quick and selfless act of Percy there guardian, whilst praying he was alive.

Percy Jackson guardian of the huntWhere stories live. Discover now