chapter five

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 I just kneeled there numb tears falling down my face. They were gone. Those three words I repeated through my head again, and again. They were gone and I would never see them again. suddenly there was a bright a bright flash that made me close my eyes, tears still falling down my cheeks.

I stood up wondering what was going and where I was. As I looked around I notice we were at cabin where my mum and I used to go to by the sea, thinking about her brought anther lash of pain down on my already broken heart.Then I noticed something even weirder there were 5 gods standing in front of me, I quickly bowed not wanting to be vaporized. 

" Do not bow to us young hero for what you have done we should bow to you." Hestia's soft and genital voice drifts over me. I stand and look at the gods surrounding me and was shocked.

There in front of me was the weirdest group of gods I had ever seen together. standing on the beach opposite me was Hestia ,Hades who now have their thrones now as that was my wish along with the good titans to be set free. Also Hera and Aphrodite.

To say I was shocked was and understatement, but before I could think more about it I was tackled by a hug by Aphrodite who began whispering into by shoulder repeatedly saying "I'm sorry". I hugged back immediately patting her back to comfort her. 

She slowly detached herself form me and walked back to the other gods, as I continued looking at them nervously. As if sensing my nervousness Hera spoke up. "Do not worry Percy we are here to offer you something, we would like to all give you a gift." 

"Thank you lady Hera I would be honored to accept you gifts."

As one they all lifted there hands and started chanting in Greek to fast for me to understand, and in each of the hands a ball of energy formed.As they stopped chanting 4 beams of  different colors of energy hit me in the chest. Black for Hades, warm red for Hestia, pink for Aphrodite, and a hazelnut brown with streaks of green for Hera.

As the energy hit me I felt pain shoot through me bringing me to my knees. Dam it hurt, but I gritted my teeth waited for the agony to stop.As I stood up from were I feel on my knees due to the pain and notice all the gods looking at me worriedly. 

" Percy, Hera and I well we would really like to adopt you and I know we could never replace Sally but we would love to try and be mothers to you and for you to be our son." Hestia spoke trailing of at the end as If she was scarred I would say no.

I jumped and hugged them both, they wold never replace my mum but I would love to be there son and I would do them proud and love them like they were really my mum. " I would love to be your son, and I will make you proud mom's." I looked at them to see them smiling like it was the best day of there immortal life.

" You have already made us all proud Percy." Hades deep and husky voice said, and by the way he said it I knew he was saying what he believed. " I would also like to ask you something else" he also said looking worried and anxious.

" I would like to adopt you as well I understand if you don't want to and I know what happened with you dad, but I would be proud to have a son like you Percy and to have you as my son." he spoke rushing the last part.

I then spoke " Dad I would love to be you son" his face lit up I never seen him look so happy " I have also I sent sally and Paul to Elysium they deserved it" Hades I mean dad said sincerely. 

" thank you " I chocked out as I was happy they were some were good were they could relax and have a break and spend some time together.

 I then noticed that Aphrodite was looking down sad and then realized she probably felt like she wasn't included. I then spoke up nervous about what she might say." Aphrodite would you well...I thought maybe you would like to be my sister as Hestia, Hera and Hades have adopted me, so would you to maybe be like my sister." I asked looking down at my feet until I felt a body slam into me with enough force to rival Tyson!

" I would love to be your sister Percy." Aphrodite said but I was more concentrated on the fact the she was damn strong and I couldn't breath. "Lungs" I managed to say before I fainted and she let go of me look sheepishly at he feat saying sorry " No problem sis " I said which made her smile happily.

Then they all started to chant in Greek again before I was hit with another beam of energy. " Now son you are all our champion and family." Hades said proudly, and as I looked around my family, my family of love. The love of a home Hestia. The love of a family Hera. The love of a person Aphrodite and the love of the dead was Hades.I realized just then I would do anything for my family of love.

"So son what will you do now?" Hestia questioned. I thought about this and came up with an idea. 

" I will work on my new powers and improve on physical skills and train in combat, but I will also help get demigods to both camps and the hunters. I will also help abused demigods find were they belong. Also do any mission and things you want me to do" I said with conviction in my voice. 

My family all looked at me proudly and what I as choosing to do. "We will help you achieve your mission Percy my son". Do us proud they all said and gave me a hug  before flashing out.

 I got ready start my mission and save those who needed saving, and help those who needed help.

Percy Jackson guardian of the huntHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin