chapter nine

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Percy p.o.v

As I let the blood lust take over and attack the monsters with my two swords. In my left  hand I have moon silver which tends to glow with a silver light and cold heat, it is made out of the silver the hunters use and a mixture of celestial bronze and imperial gold. In my right hand I have shadow swinger, which is made out stygian iron and silver, which makes the shadows dance around it with an aurora of death.  After I kill the first half the monsters and incinerate the rest  turn around to look into Lady Artemis's cold glare.

Artemis p.o.v

We are surrounded by monster and had already used up all arrows with only are knives left. I know most of us would not survive this and by the look of it most of my hunters knew this to. Even though we  were about to die they stood tall next to me. As the monster started to approach a shadow launched out of the forest  with a sword in each hand.

As he killed monsters I studied his movements they were a combination of Greek and Roman, yet he moved with the grace of a hunter. It was amazing and yet scary to watch. As my hunters and I  stared on to what looked be killing the monsters and helping us we soon noticed  that half the monsters were destroyed and the rest looking on warily.

" Shadow wraith." One of the monster hissed out only to be greeted by the evil smirk of the dark hunter in front of us. 

I immediately tensed, I had heard of this so called shadow wraith he had been killing monsters by the hundreds scaring them due to how easily he decimated their numbers within minuets. I was wary of what he could do.

Before I can blink the rest of the monsters go up in flames leaving ash where they were once standing. He then quickly drops his sword, pulling out a pure black bow with an arrow already notched,firing straight at me only for it to hit a rogue hellhound trying to attack us from behind. I'm shocked by his aim even some of my oldest hunters could not have hit that shot.Regaining my composure I go to speak before I notice that he is kneeling before me. 

" I apologies mi 'lady  I meant you no harm or your hunters.I Also meant no disrespect by interfering with your hunt." 

His low deep voice echo's in the clearing, informing me he was a male. Even though I was shocked that he sounded so young but also that he was so respectful to my hunters and I even if he was a male.

" Who are you and what is your name boy." I say in a cold voice showing now emotionbut in response he only lifts up his sleeve and speaking in his deep voice.

 " I am  a soldier milady and I have been for a very long time."

 I look at his arm and switch into my roman form and read his tattoo. I'm shocked at what I read his patrons are Hades, Hera, Hestia, Aphrodite, Luna and a green leaf that I have never seen before.The thing the surprises me more is that he has only pulled up his sleeve so far meaning I can't see his godly parent. 

As I keep on looking at his tattoo I look at his year of service what I'm shocked to see is that he had served for 10 years but he sounds to young to have served for 10 years. This makes me even more intrigued about him and why he wont pull down his hood so I can see his face.

" Show me your face soldier." I say in a commanding tone as my hunters watch on in curiosity.  

 " I cant do that lady Artemis I'am sorry I mean no disrespect but I will not go against my patrons wishes." The soldier replies in a monotone voice before melting into the shadows and reappearing again with girl before disappearing back into the abyss again, this time not returning.

I quickly tell my hunters to set up camp and look after the girl and that I'm going to Olympus to sort this out. They quickly nod there heads in understanding before I flash myself into the throne room and send a beam of silver energy into the  middle to signal an emergency meeting to all the gods.

Growing into my god height I walk over to my throne and sit down waiting for all the gods to arrive and sit down. As all the gods look around with confusion lacing the faces until my farther Zeus decides to find out what is going on. 

" why have you called this meeting daughter."

" I have called this meeting to discus the hunter and soldier that has been killing monsters. I have just become aware that his identity is not actually unknown to certain gods, these gods are his patrons and know his identity." I say whilst looking at certain gods to check the reactions on the information I have just said.  

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