Peter got up and said, "Don't do that. I should be the one making you breakfest. I just got you back and I don't want to loose you again. The forest is dangrous place."

"What ever you say Lord Peter," I joked and bowed.

Peter just rolled his eyes at me and chuckled. He grabbed my hand and interlaced his fingers with mine.

When we made it to the clearing, chaos wrecked havic. Fires are every where and bees and other creepy crawlers were swarming the lost boys' heads. All the lost boys looked like they were chicken you just lost their heads. Felix ran up to us breathless.

"Go Peter go! Ursula came by camp looking for you guys, mumbling something about a vial and it not working. She let loose her wrath. Both of you have to leave. You aren't safe here! Go before she comes back!" Felix yelled at us.

We quickly ran to our rooms to pack our bags. The plan is to totally leave Neverland. We are first heading to Storybrook then to where ever our feet take us. I shove a couple of green blouses and black tank tops in a bag that Peter gave me. After I cramped a few pairs of black jeans, green leggings, and white shorts in the same bag. I also had time to put a couple of shoes in the bag too. Luckily the bag wasn't too heavy.

I meet Peter out in the hallway. His bag looked a little bigger than mine. Good, I don't feel that bad bringing all of this stuff. He grabbed my hand and directed me to the heart of the island. Its the only in and out of Neverland. Hold up. We can't be out of Neverland for too long. He can only be gone for six days. Why does Peter have all of that stuff in his bag. Oh well, I can't really focus on that right now.

Peter dropped a bean at the nearest root of the tree. It a matter of seconds a black hole of sorts appeared and sucked us right in. I grab hold on Peter's hand before we got too far apart. Peter held my hand tight as we traveled to Storybrook.

One thing is for sure, my parents aren't going to like it when I come home with Peter. But they can't break our love.

It took like one minute or so before we were in front of the big clock tower in town square. The streets were practically abandoned. Their were a few familiar faces that pasted by, but didn't care enough to say hi or even acknowledge my exsistance. Since when did Storybrook get so rude.

A short brunette strolled up to me. She had her chocolate brown hair tied up in a french braid.

"Hi, I'm Caitlyn! You must be Melody! Henry has told me so much about you! I'm so glad your back! Where is Henry? And who is this?" Caitlyn said and referenced Peter.

"Henry! Peter, we forgot Henry!" I shouted and pulled at Peter's arm. God I am such an idiot! People are going to think that Peter killed him or something.

"Wait you're Peter Pan?" Caitlyn said edging back. "You hurt Henry, and now your back...PAN IS HERE! EVERYONE PETER PAN HAS RETURNED!" She screamed.

Too late now. This inot what we had planned. Peter and I were just going to visit my parenst and explain what happened then leave. We were going to stay at his house in the magic ridden world. We weren't going to stay in Storybrook for very long. But now that my new 'friend' Caitlyn told everyone, we are going to be here a LOT longer than expected.

Peter stiffend beside me.

"Melody, we have to go." Peter said dragging me away.

"No, Peter, they won't hurt you. As long as I am by your side, they won't hurt you," I told him placing my hands on his face. "I promise."

Peter removed my hands and said, "Melody, you don't understand. People in this town are thirsty for my blood. There is so many things that you don't know about. I would tell you now, but there isn't enough time to explain."

"Fine," I said and pulled him into an ally way. "I just bought so time. Now tell me what your deal is."

"Do you really want to know?"


"Promise you won't look at me different once I tell you."

"Peter, I love you. Nothing you can say will change that."

"I left out a part of the story," Peter began. "Of how the lost boys and I came to Neverland. I knew the Dark  One before this whole thing started. I'm his seconded son. No one knows about me, because he didn't want anyone to know that he knocked up peasant. He was just so devistated after my brother, Bae, left that he got drunk and forced a girl into bed.  It was after he turned into the dark one, so I have dark magic running through my viens. Dad always wanted me to manifest the magic and help him. I, like Bae, refused him. I didn't want any of this. My mother begged and begged for me to come back, but my father wouldn't like me. He got so mad at me one day so he sent me and a couple of other, what he called weak boys, to Neverland. I am sorry that I didn't tell you this before. I just thought that you would leave me if I told you."

It took me a while for the whole thing to sink it. He is the Dark One's son, so what right? He has changed. Peter doesn't act like Mr. Gold. He is different. I love him.

Something took over me. It wasn't bad or evil this time. Something gave me the confindence to kiss him. I smashed my chapped lips to his perfectly plump ones. Fireworks exploded in my heart. This is were I belong. This is who I belong with.

Peter snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me in close. Closing all the space between us, Peter pulled my legs up on his hips, and smashed me against the wall. I dont' care what problems come our way, just as long as Peter is by my side. 

Before thing could get any streamier, Mr. Gold cleared his throat. When did he get here? I hopped off of Peter's hips and held tight onto his waist. He stiffened at Mr. Gold's prestence, but warpped both of his arms around me in a protective manner. 

"Son, so glad you have returned with sweet innocent Melody," Mr. Gold spoke. 

"What do you want?" Peter sneered.

"Is it to much to ask to see my own son again? I just want to get to know you better, and your little chew toy here." He was refferencing the hickies that Peter gave me last time we kissed. I didn't even realise that they were there until now.

"She is not a chew toy! And yes it is too much to ask. If you really wanted to get to know me better, then you would have been in Neverland with me!" Peter roared and his father and held me tighter.

"Oh, but sonny, I was."

Thanks for reading!

I really hoped that you enjoyed this chapter! Plenty of drama to come!
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