Chapter 7

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Four and a half hours later and Clary and Isabelle had just about finished playing dress up and Isabelle had to admit that Clary looked hot. Clary made her way over to the floor length mirror and admired Isabelle's handy work.

"'ve really out done yourself this time Iz." Clary laughed and the person in the mirror laughed back. The stunning, navy blue floor length dress hung on the unrecognizable figure perfectly and the dress brought out all of the reflections best features. The makeup was done to perfection with a little blusher and mascara to bring out the emerald in her stunning green eyes.

"I'm glad you like it because that's the best makeover I've EVER done on anyone." Isabelle grabbed a gold necklace from the dressing table and put it around Clary's neck finishing the entire look. "There. You're done." Isabelle grinned and Clary stared in disbelief that it was actually her.

"Thank you, thank you!" Clary squealed and jumped in Isabelle's arms giving her a massive hug. "Okay..Iz, don't make a big deal over this but I'm going to go find Jace." 

"Ahhhhhh!!! OH MY GOD! REALLY?" Isabelle screamed.

"What did I just say Iz?" Clary said crossing her arms.

"Sorry but OMG I'm so happy! Well I don't know where he's ended up but I'm pretty sure you know where he's gone." Isabelle winked and Clary sighed uncrossing her arms.

"Yeah I have a good idea where's he gone. I'm going to go now." Clary changed Isabelle back so she wasn't a ghost and Clary made her way out of Isabelle's room and up to the only place she could think of; the hidden gardens. She quickly transported herself there and her eyes immediately fell onto a crying Jace. She gasped and she couldn't believe what she was seeing; the boy who never cried was crying. She couldn't believe it, she'd never seen him properly cry before and it upset her. She made herself visible to him but of course he didn't notice because he was to busy mumbling to himself.

"She can't be gone, god I love her so much and now I'm never going to be able to tell her. I was such a dick to her! Urgh! Why did I not-"

"Jace?" Clary blurted out.

"Great, now my mind's playing tricks on me." 

"No it's not, Jace turn around." Jace quickly turned around and his eyes widened and his mouth was wide open in shock. 

"Cla-Clary? Are you really-no you're not here. Isabelle said you were just a hologram, there's no way you're here." He said rubbing his eyes wiping away some tears that had escaped.

"Jace come over here." She said to him. He stood up and literally ran over to her. He stopped just in front of her and then she put her hand out.

"Take it Jace, take my hand." She tried to make him see she was really there but at the moment he wasn't buying it.

"No, you're just a fragment of my imagination." He said this with such emotion that Clary almost burst into tears again.

"Jace listen to me. I'm here, take my hand and look at me." She held out her hand further and Jace just looked at her green eyes wondering if she really was there.

"I can't, you'll just take my heart and leave me forever." A tear escaped his left eye and Clary reached up to wipe it away. But as she was about to wipe it away, Jace stepped back.

"Don't touch me, you're not really here; my mind's clearly playing tricks on me."

"God dammit Jace! Why won't you believe me? I'm really here and I saw all of what you did on Friday and now look at me! I'm here trying to forgive you and you can't even look at me!" Clary began crying and she collapsed on the floor not caring about the dress or the makeup she was wearing. 

"Clary? Please don't cry! I'm sorry but you can't really be here, it's not possible." This time Jace looked down at her and for the first time, he really believed it could have been her.

"But I am here Jace! I just need you to believe me!" She shouted through the tears and then he came to her side. He hesitated before putting his arms around her but then he thought, why am I hesitating? She's the one I love, god dammit Jace just hold her! He put his arms around her and he gasped.

"Oh my god Clary! You're really here! I love you so much and I'm so, so sorry about what I did. I'm such a dick and I don't blame you if you never want to forgive me but honestly Clary, my life has been so dull and empty without you in it!" He was full on crying now and he held Clary even tighter. She put her arms around his neck as he put his around her waist. 

"Oh Jace I love you so much!" Clary said burying her head in his chest. She took in his scent and she had to admit that she'd missed it. She'd missed this and even though she was dead, she couldn't tell him about that just yet. Jace whispered something that Clary didn't quite catch, she slowly pulled back just enough to see his face and she immediately slammed her lips against his. He seemed shocked at first but then he relaxed and their lips moved in perfect sync as they danced a dance that only they knew. Jace pulled her even closer and their kiss got grew even more passionate. Then Clary realized that she couldn't let Jace think she was alive.

She pulled away quicker than she meant to and Jace looked at her with a face full of questions.

"Look Jace, don't say anything until I've finished what I'm about to say." He nodded and Clary continued. "Okay, so I don't know quite how to say this but..I'm dead. Please just hear me out before you say a word. When we moved, I was put through intense training and one day after training me and my mom went home. After a while there was a loud noise coming from downstairs so I went and checked it out. When I got down the stairs, my nostrils filled with the stench of demon and I prepared myself for the worst. I walked into the lounge and saw my mom tied up. Long story short, demons came and began burning the house down. The flames engulfed my mom and I watched her die. The demons just laughed and as one held me down, he clawed at me and the poison got into my system. The flames then reached us and the last thing I remember was the darkness that was bluring my vision." Clary was now crying uncontrollably and Jace just sat there in shock. "P-please s-say something." She just managed to stutter out. But he didn't move. Clary shook him and he still didn't move. "Jace!" 

"Sorry, sorry. But-but how are you here then if you're d-dead?" He said looking straight into her green eyes.

"I'm a ghost, Jace. I have the power to make other's into ghosts too; that's what I've done to you tonight. Like when you were talking to Isabelle I was sat on her bed listening to it all. I knew I could trust you but I didn't know if I could be with you again. But then I thought about it and I realized that it didn't matter what had happened because I love you Jace Herondale. I always have and I always will. I don't want anything to change that, I really hope you understand." Jace seemed to be staring into thin air but then he did something unexpected; he kissed her. Clary was so shocked to begin with but she relaxed and she tightened her grip around his neck never wanting to let go. The kiss between them grew more and more passionate and Jace began sliding his tongue against her bottom lip asking for entrance. Clary allowed entrance and their tongues began fighting for dominance.

A while later and it seemed Jace had finally come to terms with Clary being a ghost. He'd asked her some questions and she purposefully left out the part about Elliot; knowing Jace would get even more upset and angry about the whole situation.

"Stay with me tonight, please?" Jace randomly asked.

"Of course I will Jace. I love you." She said kissing his cheek.

"I love you." He replied holding her even closer to him. She quickly transported them to Jace's room and she lay there in his arms while he peacefully slept.

A.N. Hey guys! I know you've been wanting a new chapter so here you go!! I hope you like it and it wasn't too emotional. I realise it may not be the best of chapters but I couldn't leave you all hanging for much longer haha! Much love, lydia_m xx

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