Chapter 5

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An abandoned manor stood in front of Clary and Isabelle and all Isabelle could think of was 'what a dump'. Clary knew what Isabelle was thinking and she spoke out loud.
"I know you think it's a dump Izzy, but trust me, inside is a dream."
"Whatever Clary. It looks like it's been abandoned for centuries." Isabelle replied.
"Well maybe it has. Now don't judge this place, it holds a lot of memories." Clary brushed some of her hair aside that had fallen into her view. She made Isabelle visible to the world and they made the short journey to the manor's front doors.

"Alec?" Jace shouted loud enough so Alec could him in the shower.
"Kind of busy Jace but what do you want now? And this best not be another moan about how Izzy's not back yet!" Alec yelled back.
"Am I really that predictable?" Jace thought that somehow he was getting more and more predictable as whenever he wanted to talk to someone, they immediately knew what it would be about. Jace heard the shower turn off and Alec answered the door with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"To answer your question, yes Jace, you are very predictable these days. Don't worry brother; all the best people are." Alec laughed and Jace raised an eyebrow at his sarcastic comment.
"Look, it's about Clary. And I could really use some brotherly advice."
"Thought it could of been but come in." Alec moved aside to let Jace in and he went and sat on Alec's bed.
"I'm still in love with her Alec but after Friday night, I don't think she feels the same and I can't loose her, not again. I made a stupid mistake with Parker but I couldn't help it, I needed a distraction from thinking about Clary and she was there. Parker was so beautiful I just couldn't keep my eyes off of her but there was something that wasn't right and that was that she wasn't Clary. And then when I saw Clary outside I knew for sure she hated me. I mean, technically, we were still going out and now I can't call her mine because I was a dick." Jace explained.
"Well to be quite honest with you, yeah you messed up big time and cheating on her was a bad mistake to make Jace. Izzy hates you because you know she thinks of Clary as her sister and you won't win her trust back that easily. And as for Clary, I'm sure you'll just have to let her calm down first before you even bother trying to find her. Let Izzy try and find her when she comes back as I'm sure she'll be able to talk to Clary and find out how she is and why she hasn't contacted us in three years. Hang on a minute, let me just go and actually put some clothes on." Alec excused himself while he went and got changed. Jace put his head in his hands and thought about everything he and Clary had been through and how he'd stupidly thrown it away for one girl he thought he liked. Alec came back out of the bathroom in black jeans and a black polo. He sat down next to Jace and Jace began speaking.
"You're probably right as per usual but I can't help but think about her. Her face when I walked outside was pure hate and the worst thing was that she vanished into thin air before I could even talk to her properly."
"What do you mean, 'vanished into thin air'?" Alec interrupted.
"I mean, she literally vanished into thin air like a ghost or something. I don't know and then before I could even get a word out Isabelle stormed off just swearing at me. And I honestly think you should teach her some manners Alec, her words were foul." Jace said with a smirk on his face.
" odd. And she had every right to say what she said. I would of done the exact same if I were there." Alec said wiping the smirk right off Jace's pretty face.
"Really? Well brother, looks like I'll have to wait until Izzy comes back because I'm certain she'll be more helpful than you." Jace got up and slammed Alec's door behind him. Jace knew that Isabelle wouldn't be back yet so he went and relaxed in the park near the Institute. And it turned out that he'd been longer than he first thought he had.
"Jace? Hey, remember me?" A quiet but confident voice spoke. Jace opened his eyes and was looking at the blonde he'd made out with in the Pandemonium the other day.
"Oh hey Parker. How are you?" Jace said sitting up.
"Good thanks, I've missed you though." She giggled and sat down next to him on the bench; a little closer than he would of liked.
"Well it's good to hear that my infamous charms are still working." Jace said with a straight face; he didn't want Parker getting the wrong idea.
"Well of course they are or I wouldn't be here. Errmm..I actually came to ask you if you wanted to come to the Pandemonium with me tonight? A bunch of my friends are going too, I just wondered if you wanted to join us."
"Ohh errmm..I'm sorry Parker but I already have plans and I already love someone else." Jace saw the tears starting to form in her eyes. He stood up and straightened out his leather jacket. "I'm sorry." Were his last words to her before walking away.

Nothing Left To Say (A 'The Mortal Instruments' fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora