Chapter 1

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Three years down the line.. Clary thought to herself. Now she was 19 and ready to face the truth. After some pretty traumatic and devastating years, Clary thought back to the day it all began.


"Jace?" Clary called.
"Yeah, what's up?" Jace replied.
"I need you to come and help me get this suitcase down. My weak muscles don't even compare to your rock hard abs and biceps." Clary laughed. She tried numerous times but no matter what, she couldn't get the god damn suitcase down. Her 5'2" really didn't come in handy in times like these.
"Why of course they don't. Look at you and then at this more gorgeous specimen. There's no comparison." Jace said walking out of the bathroom. He had changed from his black shadowhunting gear into more suitable jeans and a black short sleeved t-shirt. Clary loved it when Jace wore clothes like that; his muscles were so defined and all his Marks, new and old, were clearly visible.
"Why wear that when you know I've got to go in half an hour?" Clary raised an eyebrow and folded her arms.
"I suppose I'm showing you what you're going to miss when you're gone." Jace said grabbing Clary's folded arms and pulling her closer to him. He knew he didn't have long left before Clary went and he wanted to spend every last minute with her.
"And you're very, very tempting, but I have to go Jace; for my mom." Clary said going up on her tiptoes and wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I'm going to miss you more than I've ever missed anyone, you do know that right?" Jace said inhaling her delicious scent; strawberries and vanilla, two of Jace's favourite things.
"I know, and I'm going to miss you too you know. But now you've finally made it into this century with your new phone, just call me whenever." Clary giggled. She remembered getting Jace his new phone for his last birthday and lets just say..he was definitely surprised.
"Do I really have to use that thing?" Jace moaned.
"Yes, yes you do! I didn't buy it so it could just sit in a box all day long."
"Okay, I'll use it, but only for you." He said pulling her even closer if that were even possible.
"Good. Now let me go I've got to pack before my mom gets here." She said kissing his cheek.
"Fine. But you're going to regret going." He said letting her go.
"I'm sure I will." Clary replied.

And the packing was finally done. It didn't take Clary long but all the time she was packing she felt as if she were forgetting something.
"Forgetting something?" A clear, identifiable voice spoke as if reading her mind.
"Isabelle, is that you?" Clary asked.
"Of course it is! You don't think I'd let you leave without giving you a goodbye present did you?" Isabelle said waking over to Clary.
"No of course I didn't, this is you we're talking about Izzy!" Clary said picking up her suitcase off of her bed.
"Well yeah, that's true. Anyway, here's your gift." Isabelle said passing the present over to Clary. Clary started opening it but Isabelle quickly stopped her.
"You can't open it now! You have to wait until your in Idris. Promise me Clary that you'll wait?" Isabelle said half yelling giving her the puppy dog eyes at the end.
"Okay fine! I'll wait." Clary said putting the present into her rucksack.
"Good! You're going to love it. Now come here I need one last hug." Isabelle practically forced Clary into a hug but Clary accepted and wrapped her arms around her.
"Call me when you get a chance." Isabelle said sounding as if she was going to cry.
"I will." Were Clary's last words to everyone's question before she left with her mom.

Only Isabelle knew that Clary and her mom were going to Idris as if Jace knew, he'd only go and find her. Which in the current situation, couldn't happen. Once they'd used a portal to get into Idris, Clary switched off her mobile and threw the sim into a nearby river. Her mom did the same.
"Don't get upset sweetie, you know why we're here and nothing can stand in the way." Jocelyn said whilst they were driving to somewhere very...un-homely.
"Yes mom, I know why we're here and I know I couldn't tell anyone apart from Isabelle. After all, I know I can trust her with my life."
"Good because you could only afford to tell one person. I love you Clary but this is the way it has to be from now on." Jocelyn said making a sharp left turn.
"But I don't understand completely why. Surely we could of continued my very intense training and might I add, easy training, back at home?" Clary asked looking at her mother.
"No we couldn't. There you had people who knew the basics, but here... are the people who can teach you everything. You'll go through some very tough training sessions but that's what you get if you want to become a full shadowhunter." Jocelyn explained. "I did it myself, and now you'll follow in my footsteps." She added.
"Urghh.. fine! But I'm not waking up before six." Clary frowned and slumped back into the Range Rover's seat. Half an hour later of complete silence, they arrived at an old iron gate. It suddenly opened and Jocelyn drove through. Clary noticed the old oak trees that looked over five hundred years old, the river that ran all the way down the long drive and then she saw an old house. Well that's what she thought until she got closer and then she realised it was a beautiful, old restored Tudor home. It looked beautiful and Clary hoped that its features inside hadn't been destroyed in the process of the restoration.
"We're staying here?" Clary blurted out without thinking.
"Yes, this is our new home. Clary, welcome to Fairchild manor." Jocelyn said stopping the car.
"I thought you said that it was burned down and that there were no traces left what so ever." Clary said shocked.
"Yes I did say that, but only because I needed people to believe it was gone. No one apart from us can ever find this place. I got a very, very high warlock to put such a strong glamour on the manor that if anyone did ever find it, they'd just see an old burnt down cottage and then they'd have their memory wiped and taken back to wherever they were before." Jocelyn explained.
"Oh, right. Well I can't wait to see inside." Clary said getting out of the car.

"This is all new, and modern." Clary said walking into her ensuite.
"What did you expect? An old, rundown house with no furnishings?" Jocelyn laughed as she followed Clary through into the ensuite.
"No.." Clary hesitated. "Okay maybe, yes, yes I did." She corrected herself looking down at the ground.
"That's what I thought you said." Jocelyn set down Clary's bags and sat down on the edge of the bath.
"Mom, will all this help? Like, will it really help more than back in New York?"
"Yes darling of course it will! Here you'll have your own personal trainer and he'll be a lot more trained and experienced than the other shadowhunters who helped you."
"But they're my friends and they're all very experienced." Clary said folding her arms across her chest.
"But not as experienced as the people here. Trust me Clary, you're going to love it here." Jocelyn said standing up. She made her way out of the ensuite and shut Clary's bedroom door after her. Clary took her suitcases and placed them on her bed. She didn't feel like unpacking everything now so she decided to go and take a look around. Leaving her bedroom, Clary looked down the long hallway; this reminded her of the Insitute. No, I can't think of that anymore. Clary thought. She looked inside every room she passed: a music room, a training and weapons room, a mini library, a whole room dedicated to fashion and then an entire room with nothing but flowers and plants in. Every room reminded her of someone back home and she knew she had to stop thinking about them but she couldn't. Clary found the main set of stairs and she flew down them smelling freshly cooked cupcakes. She followed the mouthwatering smell and this led her to the kitchen. In the kitchen, Jocelyn was icing some pretty big cupcakes and Clary went straight to her mothers side like she had done when she little.
"Those look...delicious!" Clary said picking up a cupcake. Jocelyn slapped her hand and took the cupcake.
"Clary, can't you wait five more minutes until I've finished?" Jocelyn asked placing the cupcake back down on the counter.
"No, sorry mother, but unfortunately, I've not eaten in two hours and I'm starving!" Clary said sitting down pinching the cupcake again, but this time she shoved the whole thing into her mouth at once.
"Clary!-" Jocelyn was interrupted as there was a sudden 'bang'. Clary grabbed the nearest knife and defended herself. "Don't worry Clary. That just means someone's found us and they've been transported back.
"Oh. Does that happen every time?" Clary asked putting the knife down.
"Yes it does. You'll get used to it soon. Now go and get changed into your shadowhunting gear; you're trainer's ready for you." Jocelyn finished the last cupcake and led Clary upstairs to her room.
"Look in your closet and you'll find all your shadowhunter stuff. Hurry down as we mustn't keep him waiting." Jocelyn left and Clary searched in her closet. She quickly got changed and met her mother downstairs.
"Ready?" Jocelyn asked. Clary nodded and they left.

***end of flashback***

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