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Ryder impatiently exist the elevator as the many employees gave him space to exit. It had been a hard day for him, meetings that half bored him to death, paperwork that he wasn't in charge of but his father forced him into, and finding the small amount of time to look for Steve who Ryder has been trying to catch since the day prior.

Stuffing his hands firmly in the pocket of his pants like he's seen his father do on strict occasions, Ryder makes his way towards the receptionist on Steve's floor as he once again comes to check up on Steve's absence. The blond male hadn't come in yesterday or the day before. He had called in sick but Ryder knew better, he knew Steve was lying about his reason of absence. Ryder had initially chosen to let him be. Realizing that he needed time, but it's now been three days. How long do you need to get yourself together before you talk to your girlfriend?

"Not here?" Ryder questions immediately as the receptionist hangs up the phone with whatever caller she was attending to. From the corner of his eye Ryder saw the female look to where Ryder was looking, towards Steve's empty desk. "No Mr.Griffin. Called in sick again." Ryder nods before smiling at the girl as he back away back towards the elevator.

Ryder has had about enough of Steve. Skye has been just as confused as Steve had been, yet she was still willing to make an effort to talk. She called him, emailed, texted, yet her boyfriend never seemed to give it a go. He didn't seem to realize how important it was for Skye and him to talk things through and make everything a hell of a lot less confusing.

When Ryder had asked Skye about her relationship with Steve she had said she wasn't sure what they were anymore. "He will most likely break up with me." She had said three days ago as she swirled a spoon in her coffee cup. "But, I'm not sure until he talks to me." And that hasn't happened for three days.

Ryder rushes back to the floor directly below Steve's, towards his fathers office area in the huge building. He briefly glances at Skye who was typing away on her computer, probably editing her notes. Ryder smiles at her determined expression before he enters his fathers office without knocking.

John Griffin looked up from his spot on his desk chair as Ryder enters the glass enclosed room. From behind John, the scenery of downtown Toronto could be seen, the CN tower was shining brightly against the light blue sky. Ryder sights. How he'd love to be out rather than tracking down Steve.

"Could've knocked." John jokes as he slaps the brown file close before leaning back in his chair. "I need you to tell me where Steve lives." Ryder demands, his posture straightening as he stares strictly at his father. Just like John had tough him when Ryder was younger. "What makes you think I have them?" John instead remarks as he clicks his pen against the dark wood of his desk.

"You have a file of all your employees. Don't try and hide it. I'm aware of how things work in this businesses." Ryder speaks slowly, not letting his father see the anger and impatience he was feeling. "Dad-"

"I'm sorry Ryder, I cannot just give out private information of employees." John argues, leaving his chair before walking around the oak desk and leaning against the front of the desk, facing Ryder. "I need to see him. Skye's getting more impatient by the day and I think it'll be good for her to talk to Steve. She's confused about a lot dad, and she's stressed because of this one incompetent male. I absolutely need his address. I need to talk to him." John purses his lips.

"I'm going to have it in a few months anyway right?" Ryder tries, John looks sideways through the glass and towards the receptionist. "Only this once." John huffs out as he exits the room defeated.

Ryder smiles to himself as his eyes cast back towards Skye's office. She was still typing harshly against the keys of her laptop. Her eyes moved with each words as she kept her orbs strictly on the bright screen that illuminated her face. "Charming." Ryder mumbles just as his father enters the room once more. John discreetly opened up the simple brown file before scrolling through some pages. "Give me your phone." John orders causing Ryder to pull out his phone and silently hand it over to his father who typed something into the device before passing the black electronic back to his awaiting son.

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