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Ryder eyes snap wide as the door to the coffee shop bursts open. His eyes wild from the loud interruption. Realizing a stranger had entered Ryder glares at the male who gets in line to order his drink. Rolling his eyes in aggravation Ryder once again slaps his head against his crossed arms over the wood oak table like he had done plenty of times during his short stay at the coffee shop, his eyes raise to the door once more as another customer walks into the small shop.

"Son of a bitch." Ryder snaps under his breath as he pulls the hood of his black sweater over his head before closing his eyes again against his arms. He had been a moping mess for two whole days now, he realized it too. However with the constant pressure of taking over his fathers company and handling the situation with Steve and Skye, he's been pretty busy. That was one of the reasons he was stuck in a coffee shop, awaiting the arrival of a pretty boy who had yet to show his face before Ryder lost it.

Ryder's plan: take things one at a time, starting with cleaning things out with Steve.

Groaning Ryder pushes himself off the table so his back leaned against the back of the chair he had taken over. Ryder, after a few days of prolonging a meeting with Steve had finally decided that enough was enough and came to a realization that he had to settle whatever was going on between him, Steve and Skye as quick as possible to get it out of the way. Ryder had been postponing this day for a while simply because he didn't want to come to terms with his decision. It was something he knew was right but felt so rotten. He had to let Skye go.

Ryder with a brooding realization had come to terms with the continuing debate with himself. He had started to feel guilty. He felt as if he was an abuser, he was pulling on Skye's shirt even after she asked him to leave it be. He knew she wouldn't commit to Steve as long as Ryder kept her tied to himself.

So now, with a heavy heart, Ryder awaited the arrival of Steve to apologize for his outburst and hopefully inform him -not precisely- about how he felt about Steve and Skye's relationship. Ryder didn't have a plan. He didn't know what to say or do or how this was going to start out. All he knew was that in that moment he had to apologize to Steve about telling the male Ryder's special position and making the dude comfortable with the close relationship between Ryder and Skye.

"Ryder, hello." Ryder in turn looks up only to see Steve taking a seat opposite him. Smiling warmly the awaiting male pulls his hood off his head before straightening his posture. "What took you so long?" He says, in a somewhat serious yet joking manner.

Steve only laughs nervously while scratching at the nape of his neck. "Dude calm down, It was a joke." Ryder clarifies as he watches Steve freak out a little. "Right." Steve clarifies before clearing his throat and nodding his head towards the shake that sat at the middle of the desk. "For me?" Steve asks curiously. Ryder raises his eyebrows. "Skye told me you liked vanilla shakes." Steve only nods in return before taking the drink of the table. "Thanks." Ryder only nods back at the dude, figuring out his next worlds carefully.

"Can I ask why you wanted to meet up?" Steve asks as he places his cup back onto the wooden surface. Ryder keeps his grip firmly on his own plastic cup as he starts to drum a beat he remembered from one of Nelsons many shows. "I just wanted to apologize."

'Good job, straight to the point.' Ryder praises himself as Steve stares at his future boss in question. "I don't understand. What are you apologizing for?" Ryder purses his lips, wishing that every thought that had occurred to him for the last few days could wondrously transport themselves into Steve's head. Ryder wasn't comfortable apologizing for things he wasn't sorry for. When he felt as if he wasn't throughly regretful over his actions than it only agitated him further if he decides to play the good guy card. However at this point Ryder knew his comfort zone had to be cut through to conquer whatever position he was in with Steve and Skye.

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