#5 Tagged

25 3 10

   I have been tagged by -manduwang Thank you for also pulling me away from reality, too. (No sarcasm noted there. 😳) Um, before we begin... Perhaps one of my answers might surprise you. I'll let you know which ones...

1.) Elaborate name (I can't right now think positive, but I want to be truthful.)

C- Cold hearted, cared too much once
E- Eager for escape and acceptance of others
C- Cold hands, first unwelcoming impression
I- Intelligence used in wrong way
L- Loved and still loving
I- Insecure of others view
A- An interesting book to read

2.) 30 things I like (Oh boy... Where do I begin?)

1.) The color red and gray
2.) A good book
3.) A good anime, obviously
4.) Others fearing in respect
5.) Wolves and all animals
6.) Wattpad itself because yes
7.) Also Instagram, too
8.) My phone
9.) Masculine clothes like flannels and such
10.) My family somewhat
11.) Writing stories
12.) My poetry and others, too
13.) My good taste in music
14.) Big jackets
15.) Visiting my hood in the summer (It's LA)
16.) My low voice
17.) Singing my little heart out
18.) Nature
19.) The season of fall
20.) Halloween
21.) Conspiracy theories
22.) Songs that relate to me 100%
23.) Astrology
24.) Learning something that's actually useful
25.) Drawing
26.) Heavy and soft blankets
27.) Sleeping
28.) Eating
29.) Being in the internet
30.) You actually reading this, lol

3.) Questions to answer (This is where I might surprise you... Might.)

Do I like someone?
As a crush? Nah, fam.

Do they like me back?
Can this nothing like me back?

Middle name?
... It's Marie... I hate it.

Single or taken?
Okay so, this is where I might surprise you. Oh yes, your internet mother...

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