Hiii... Um... Things on My Mind? Part 1...!?

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   Welp, once again, I have been inactive with no reason... I hope you're not mad at me...

   Listen, I know it's a dick move but, I wanna talk about what's on my mind. Lately, I've been wanting to be an actress. I watched a marathon on Pirates of the Caribbean and maybe that's why. I found Johnny Depp to be my inspiration.

   Surprisingly, I found a... friend (And yes, I made some friends over my freshman year. They're not bad at all.) who wants me to act on his web series show. He didn't say the title, but he did mention his characters to have super powers. I, as usual, asked to be part of the dark side. He allowed it and said of things about my character. Here's my list:

• I might do an accent. Either Russian, Romanian, Spanish, or Mexican. Not sure
• Her name is Vipetress. Originally Tressa
• Her weapon of choice are two pistols... Which is weird because...
• Her power is superhuman strength...
• She's an ex girlfriend of one of the main characters
• There might be a chance that she'll be in a same sex relationship.
• She killed her father at the age of 13. He was abusive to her during her childhood.
• She would kill anyone in her path to avenge her mother's death
• She eventually joins the good side...?
• She either gets raped by either a female or male... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

   Um, yeah the rest I know are just spoilers. If the plan of the show is accepted, we'll be filming next summer. To be honest, I don't care if I get paid, I just wanna do it for fun...

   But at the same time, I'll do whatever it takes to be on a movie with Johnny Depp. (;Д;)

Best wishes always,


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