Struggles I've Been With My Sexuality

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Edit: Oh, and also, happy late international pansexual day! It's my now favorite day of the year! It was December 9. I couldn't published this sooner because I took a nap and look where it got me. 😐

   Like I said previously, it'll mostly be about my sexuality. Being a pansexual... isn't really all that fun and games. People say the dumbest shit about us and still think they're smart. Like, bitch, you don't know anything!

   First of all, yes, in my eyes... I question everything and everyone. I've been admiring girls from afar these past weeks and guys... Eh, they're... they just don't grab my attention lately. Either there's no one that can meet my standards or I'm just a lesbian. But in the end, I find most people of other genders quite attractive.

   Second on the list is- Well, you guessed it, questions and comments that bother you! Here are some examples:
• "That's just being bi."

• "There can't be more than two genders!"

• "So... Do you make out with pans or something?"

• "Man, you must've been into so many orgies to say that!"

• "You're only wanting attention."

• "Are you that confused?"

• "That can't be a sexuality."

• "I bet you've hit at least everyone here."

• "Either you're gay or not!"

   For every question I hear out of this fucking list, I would take one shot of some alcohol and die from the poisoning after my third shot! Yet, they're sooo lucky that I don't even like the thought of getting drunk!

   But other than that, it's fun finding out what you love. We should all respect because in the end, we're all human. We're just different in our own ways and that's what makes every one of us special.

Best wishes always,


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