chapter nine

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09 x your mandatory meet 'n' greet


"So the first thing you do is call a meeting?"

Steve and I were strolling through the halls of the Avengers Facility -- which were oddly empty, at least in my opinion -- heading toward what he had informed me was the conference room. Why were we going to the conference room? Because apparently the best way Steve could think of to introduce me to everyone was by calling a meeting.

In all honesty I was pretty sure he just enjoyed scaring the crap out of everyone by making them go to the conference room and not telling them why.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time," Steve remarked, scratching the back of his neck and giving me a sheepish smile. "Only real way to guarantee they'll all be in the same room at once, anyway."

I did a terrible job of suppressing my laughter. "Are you also going to tell them that we're dating, or were you hoping to keep some surprises under your belt for later?" I asked, side-eying him in amusement.

He reached for my hand then, winding his fingers through mine and allowing me to swing our arms lightly as we walked. "I figured I'd just surprise them as much as possible right off the bat," he said honestly with a wide grin.

"In that case, this is going to be very fun," I grinned mischievously, winking at him as we came to a pause before the double doors that led to the conference room.

As was to be expected, he was a total gentleman and opened the door for me, giving me a little dramatized bow, before following me into the room. The Avengers that sat within all turned at once when they saw me first, instead of Steve, and the surprise was written as clearly across their faces as though they had a neon sign over their heads declaring 'What?'

It took about ninety-seven percent of my willpower to keep from completely losing it in laughter, mostly because the room of people I was facing had likely never all worn this expression at once, given the fact that they are Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

It took Sam only ten seconds after the shock to recognize me, and immediately burst out, "Jo!"

I grinned, wiggling my fingers in a small wave, "Hiya, Sam. Long time, no see. For me anyway," I chuckled, looking up at Steve in amusement.

We'd managed to continue holding hands (something I was sure helped Sam along in recalling who I was) and Steve was now blushing a curious shade of red as he looked down at me. It only made my smile widen. "Go on then, Cap," I pushed, tugging him ahead of me a considerable amount so e could better face his team.

"Team," Steve said slowly, glancing once more back at me for reassurance before finally addressing them, "this is Jo Wilkes. We're um, dating, and um . . ."

"Old friends," I finished for him, winking at Sam as I did.

I swear, the smile on that man's face was so wide you'd think he'd won the lottery. Apparently, playing Captain America's actual wingman meant he'd get absolutely exuberant over Cap dating. He wasn't the only one who was pleased, either; Natasha Romanoff regarded me with a sly smile of her own, and the barest amount of intrigue visible in her eyes.

"So this is why you kept turning down all my date ideas?" Natasha asked Steve, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms over her chest as she smiled pleasantly at me.

"Would it be rude of me to ask what old friends means?" the android, Vision, asked from where he sat beside Wanda Maximoff. "Because most of Captain Rogers' old friends are . . . old."

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