chapter seven

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07 x kind of like instantaneous puberty


I was up in the viewing center when Peggy Carter escorted pre-serum Steve Rogers into the scientific area below. I watched their interaction with Howard Stark with a slight smile on my face, leaning against one of the backs of the chairs as I studied the scene.

Dr. Erskine was easy enough to spot as well. He and Steve exchanged familiarities, Howard headed over to his control panel . . . and then people began to file into the viewing area.

So I filed out, back where Peggy was. I stuck to the back, out of the corner of everyone's eyes. Everyone was watching Steve, after all. I was an extra in this scene of life, and I enjoyed those moments. It was like being a fly on the wall, and it was positively fascinating.

Steve saw me before the machine door closed. I could see his mouth fall open, could see the way his eyes widened before the machine was shut and Erskine was signaling Stark that it was acceptable to begin.

I stayed leaned against the wall through the procedure. I watched with a critical gaze as Peggy at one point tried to get them to stop, until Steve shouted bravely, "No! I can do this!"

It prompted Howard to finish his part. I waited expectantly, unmoving, unblinking as I watched. Everyone else watched with baited breath, whereas mind was coming steadily. I knew the outcome, after all. I had nothing to fear.

Now Steve, on the other hand, he definitely did. He couldn't be sure what to expect . . . though I hoped his knowing I was there helped ease his anxieties somewhat.

Then the procedure was done and the machine was sliding open, and out came the brand new Steve Rogers, who would henceforth be known as Captain America. I straightened somewhat at this moment, because I mean, he was shirtless. And I would be lying if I said he wasn't a very attractive individual. I took a wary step forward as everyone crowded around Steve, who was breathing heavily and clearly a little out of it.

We made eye contact across the room, what with the fact that he could now see over everyone's heads, and his eyes ignited with joy as a smile broke across his lips. He opened his mouth as though to speak, and I shook my head immediately.

He clamped his mouth shut, obviously catching my meaning. Instead he settled for a wider smile, and a slight nod of recognition.

I smiled in return, giving him a little salute (the first of many he'd receive), before I flashed him a jaunty wink and vanished without a word.

No one but Steve had known I was there, and that was the way I liked it.

I was too far gone now. Love's a crazy thing though, so I mean, can you blame me?

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