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A couple of weeks passed and I slowly gained my strength back. Dad showed me the house, which was a medium sized cottage not far from the Burrow. In fact, you could look out the front windows and see the Burrow a couple of miles away.

I decided to stay with Dad for another week, to help him settle in and give the cottage a more homey feel. There were two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. It was big enough for two to three people, which was just what Dad needed.

He donated Grimmauld Place to the Order and it is now used as a safe house for anyone who needed to go into hiding to get away from the Death Eaters.

One day Dad and I were at the Burrow. We were discussing when we would rescue Harry from the horrid Dursleys. Hogwarts was out at this time, as it was nearing the end of June. I was sitting on the couch, happily drinking some of Molly's tea when Fred and George waltzed in.

Dad and I were so engrossed in our conversation that I didn't know that they had walked in.

I only took notice to them when Fred tapped me on the shoulder.

I looked around. "Hey, Freddie. Hey, Georgie."

I then turned back around to Dad and we continued our conversation.

I felt Fred and George's eyes on us. "What are you talking about?" Fred finally asked.

Dad and I looked around. "Don't tell anyone, but we're forming a plan to get Harry away from the Dursleys."

Fred and George nodded. "What have you came up with?" Fred asked.

"So far the only thing we've come up with is simply apparating there, knocking on the door, and taking him."

At that moment Dumbledore apparated in. "There's no need to form a plan to get Harry. I'm planning to go get him in a few weeks, but I need him to stay there for now. After I get him, he's in your custody."

Dad nodded while I looked at the ground.

"All right. Now, I need to go see Molly and Arthur. Have a good day, Elle, Sirius, Fred, George."

I looked up after I heard Dumbledore leave the room. I ended up looking into the familiar blue eyes of Fred Weasley.

"Hi, Freddie," I said quietly and with a small smile.

He grinned back, "Hi, Elle."

I smirked, "So are you gonna tell me about the shop?"

He smirked back. "Of course."

He then dived into an explanation of everything they had so far in the shop and what they were working on.

"We need help. We need you, but with our business we might need even more help."

I nodded, "Well, that's a good thing right? That we have so much business that we need more help?"

"If you look at it that way. It also means we have to work about fifteen hour shifts. After the store closes we have to stay up to make more products. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but it's just hectic."

"What other kind of life would the Weasley twins have?" I smirked.

He smirked right back. "You're completely right."

Apparently Dad left the room during this conversation because he came back inside. "Elle, we're needed at Grimmauld Place. Something about Kreacher and Walburga's portrait."

I nodded, "Okay. I'll see you soon, Fred, George." I got up and went to Dad. Dad and I apparated at the same time and landed in the hall with Walburga's portrait to see Kreacher holding on to it for dear life as someone kept trying to pull him off.

I put my hand on Dad's chest. "Let me handle this."

I walked over and gestured for the person to drop Kreacher. The person obeyed.


"Mistress," he spat.

"Grandmother," I greeted.

Walburga's lips formed a sneer. "I don't talk to blood traitors."

I simply ignored her and bent down to Kreacher's level.

"Kreacher, let go."

"They're going to burn her! They're going to burn my real mistress," Kreacher spat once again.

"I assure you, I won't let that happen. Now let go."


"Kreacher, as the Mistress of the household, I order you to let go."

"You're not my mistress! Miss Walburga will always be my mistress!"

"Kreacher, if you don't let go I will let my father loose on you. That won't end well and you know it."

Kreacher didn't let go.

"Kreacher, I've never been anything but kind to you. I've never laid a hand on you. I haven't called you names. Why do you continue to disobey and hate me?"

"Because you're the offspring of blood traitors. A Potter and the disgrace of a Black."

I lost control and the next thing I knew my hand connected with Kreacher's cheek.

"Kreacher! You do not insult my parents. They're better people than your mistress. Now, do as I say, and let go!"

Kreacher seemed shocked that I had slapped him. He let go and stalked away. I turned to the person. "Do whatever you have to to get rid of this portrait."

"Will do," the person replied.

I nodded and turned back to Dad. "Let's go home, Dad."

He had a grin on his face and nodded. We both apparated and appeared in the living room of the cottage a moment later.

I sank down into the comfy couch. I'm not lying, this couch is like clouds. You sink. It's absolutely amazing.

Dad laughed at what I'm sure was a ridiculous expression on my face. "Do you want some coffee?"

I nodded with a serene smile on my face.

Dad went into the kitchen and returned a couple minutes later with a mug of hot caramel cappuccino.

I took it gratefully. I practically hugged it to my chest as Dad turned on the muggle television I had gotten him as a "house warming gift."

He put in a movie. "What movie did you put in?" I asked.

"Your favorite. The Breakfast Club."

I grinned like a maniac. I love The Breakfast Club. It's been my favorite since Dad, Mum, and I watched it together one day a couple of years ago.

So that was Dad and I's evening. I sipped on my coffee and enjoyed The Breakfast Club.

Stunning; Fred WeasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora