38: Little Excuse!

Start from the beginning

"But he's not here right now so it doesn't matter. We never existed and I really don't care about him anymore"

"He saved your life remember, he made you do the things you never thought you'll do. He made you smile remember? Eric is your lifesaver, the least you can do is to wait for him. Maybe something's not right"

"Then he should've told me and not push me in the dark. I want to move on and not sit behind sulking about why Eric left me"

"Stop being a selfish bitch, Eric nearly risked his friendship to go out with you. You just want to forget about him because things are not right....."

"Stop" I yelled, frustrated at my own thoughts.

"He said he didn't love you anymore? So what? At least for that little moment you guys had, he loved you sincerely. Why can't you be satisfied with that? You want to forget about him? Go ahead, and let's see what is left of your happiness"

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up" I yelled angrily throwing my phone at the wall and I watch it fall to the floor and the screen cracked in an unbearable manner.

"Fuck!" I cursed at what I had just done but I couldn't care less about the phone, my heart was more cracked than that. But then it dawned on me that I really couldn't forget about Eric and I couldn't even try. He was the south pole of a magnet and I was the north pole. Somehow, I was always attracted to him.

I jumped down from my bed, and picked up my broken phone. I placed it on my desk before heading to the bathroom to take a long shower. Since I was the only one at home and I had zero experience in cooking, I just made some cereal for myself.

I had been a walking dead for the past two weeks and I had missed on lots of studying and schoolwork, the least I could do right now was to study and get all my homework and assignment done. I was looking forward to being a senior.

I took out all on the contents in my schoolbag and for the next few hours, I was studying with in between distractions like doodling on the side of my notebook, or my mind drifting off and imagining weird stuff, at some point I even dozed off and by the time I woke up.....it was already evening and I could hear shuffling in the house.

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