Chapter 29: Detonation Strikes

Start from the beginning

-Natsu P.O.V-
I left the room with Nova following me behind.
"Now all we have to do is find the other rosafelt children," I told her. "There are six girls helping me, we should run into them soon."
As if on cue, I suddenly spotted Levy in the distance of the long hallway we were in.
"Speak of the devil!" I said, laughing. "Hey, Levy!"
She turned round at my voice, and her appearance completely took me by surprise. Her eyes were wide, her cheeks were stained with tears, and she was clutching a letter and a small book with trembling, bloodied hands.
"Natsu!" She screamed, running towards me. As soon as she was close enough, she practically threw herself into my arms.
"Hey, calm down," I told her. "Are you hurt? What happened?"
I waited while she attempted to steady her heavy breathing.
"It's okay, don't rush," I warned. She shook her head frantically, then swallowed hard.
"T-There's a bomb!" She managed to get out. "It's set for midday!"
I felt the colour drain from my face.
All of us are in this building. A bomb would end it all...
"What's the time?" I asked her quickly.
She closed her eyes, her sobs returning.
"Eleven fifty," she answered. "We have ten minutes."

"Go and find the others, tell everyone to get as far away from here as possible!" I ordered.
"But what about the rosafelt children? None of them know!" Nova added.
"Is there any way to tell everyone to evacuate?" I asked Levy. She thought for a few seconds, ten her eyes glinted with an idea.
"There's a tannoy in reception. I can use that," she replied
"Good. Nova, go with her," I said. "Where's the bomb?"
"In the basement," Levy answered. "I read a plan on the library's desk. It's located in the room where you and Lucy made divinity."
Luckily, that was the only place I knew how to find.
"Go. We haven't got much time," I told them both. Just before I hurried off in the opposite direction, Nova grabbed my arm.
"What are you going to do?" She asked. I grinned at her, then answered.
"I'm gonna do what I do best," I replied, with an assuring smile. "I'm gonna play the hero."

-Nova P.O.V-
I raced down the corridor with Levy, someone I had only met a few seconds ago.
"I'm Nova," I greeeted, between pants. "Natsu's sister."
"N-Nova? The one from the illusion?" She replied, her eyes wide. However, she quickly shook herself out of it. "Sorry, but we haven't got time to answer questions. We have to get to the tannoy."
"Right," I replied, nodding my head. " more thing...what's in that book? You seem to be holding it pretty tightly. Is it important to you?"
This seemed to catch her off guard. She hesitated to answer, gripping the book even more tightly.
"This diary..." she began, glancing down at the clasped book. "This diary holds the truth. The truth...of our existence."

-Lucy P.O.V-
"Are the others waiting for us?" Niska asked, as all three of us were making our way back upstairs.
"We're getting all of the rosafelt children out, one by one," I answered. Niska smiled warmly, the very thought making her even happier.

It took us a few minutes to leave the dungeons, thanks to the endless hallways and cells.
"What did they use these cells for, anyway?" I asked Ekiro. He simple shrugged, also noticing that there were an excessive amount.
"These five layers were all completely shut off till now. So I'm not really sure what they kept here," he replied.
"But you're the lead prison officer! How could you not know?" I added.
"There's a simple answer for that. If I didn't know, then whoever they kept down here weren't prisoners."
"Well, if you're locked in a cell, it's kinda hard not to be a prisoner..." I murmured. "Whatever. I'm sure we'll uncover it eventually-"
I was suddenly cut off, as Levy's voice sounded through the whole building.
"This is Levy McGarden, a rosafelt child. There is a bomb located below that FRAS that will explode in five minutes. I repeat, there is a bomb located below the FRAS that will explode in five minutes. Please evacuate as quickly as possible through the front doors."
"There's a bomb? Are you kidding me?!" Ekiro cried. "So that's why all the council members left!"
It only took a few seconds for all the doors to open, and for hundreds of rosafelt children to pour out of them.
"We have to hurry! We'll meet everyone at the entrance!" I shouted, joining the crowd. Ekiro and Niska followed shortly after, as we all desperately made our way to the building's only exit.

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