Come back with me

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Tatiyana in the pic above⬆️

August is a cutie and very nice. Him and Zendaya are adorable couple. I'm very thankful he reached out to us and reconnect us.

I been staying with them for 3 weeks. I love Zendaya but I'm just so sad that she had to go through all that by herself.

It's time to go back home and I want Zendaya to come back with me. Our family have been dying to see her I'm just afraid that she won't come because of August...

I stopped August before he was Finna leave to talk to him.

"Hae August... Can I talk to you about something."
"Yea wassup."

"I want Zendaya to come back home with me and our family."
"Umm ok"

"Well I don't think that she will come because of you..."
"So what you want me to do... I'm not going to tell her to leave"

"Why not? Don't you want her to be happy with her family."
"She happy with me. We love each other and I'll be damned before I make her leave Cz I don't want her to leave."

"What will happen when y'all break up? You gonna kick her out and have her heart broken... Just tell her she needs to be with her family. We want her as much as you do. At the end of the day she is our family not yours!"

" I love her do you just expect me to let her go!"
" if you love her you would want her to be happy you would let her go!"

He just left slamming the door. I went to make breakfast so when Zendaya wake up we can talk.

50 minutes later....

"Thanks for the food sis.."
"No problem so I want to talk."

"Sure what about."
"Well our family is really excited to meet you and they started to redecorate your room."
"Ok.... Do you want me to come back with you?"
"I really want to but I'm in love with August I don't want to leave him."

"I understand but aren't you ready to be with your family."
"I'll think about it ok."

I want to see my family and see what kind of life I would of had but I'm not ready to leave August.

He was my first of everything. He had saved me even when I didn't want it. He made me special when I thought I was nothing. I can't leave him I won't!

August came in it was midnight.

A:" Hae ma."
Z:" Hae."

He sat down beside me and pulled me in his arms.

A:"I love you."
Z:" I love you too."
A:" but... You have to go."
Z:" What!"
A:"when tatiyana get on her plane tomorrow you will be on it as well."
Z:" why... W-why do y-you want m-me to g-go!"
A:" you need to be with your family. I'm not your family they are so be out of my house tomorrow.

He got up but I stopped him.

Z:"No stop where is all this coming from?!" I said tears falling down. He wouldn't even look at me.
A:"Myself. I want you to leave!"
Z:" you-y-you just s-said you love m-me!"
A:" I don't so leave!"

He just walked upstairs in shut his door. I walked up stairs went in my room and got the packing. I got on the bed and cried myself to sleep.

The next morning
I let tatiyana know I'm going with her and got dressed. All i feel is empty inside. I put my bags in the cab.

I made sure I had everything. August was on the couch just watching us. When we was about to go I looked at August for the last time.

A:" Goodbye Zendaya."
Z:" Goodbye August."

The cab dropped us off at the airport and we are off to New York.

I don't understand why August would say all of that negative things. If it is true then why would he save me why would he tell me all of this all of a sudden.

It doesn't matter now because he doesn't love me most likely he probably never did.

August Alsina GIRLWhere stories live. Discover now