Sweet sweet home

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"Wake up you pathetic bitch!", James yelled at me while he dragged me off my bed.

"Where is my food?!"
Z:" I'm sorry I-i over-s-slept."

James grabbed my hand turn on the stove and pressed my hand on the stove. I was screaming and crying while he was watching my flesh burn and laughing.

When he let goi dropped to the ground holding my hand while crying still.

J:" next time I wake up and my breakfeast isn't fix I will burn your whole body. Understand?"
Z:" ye-s s-sir
J:"good dog

I woke up with tears in my eyes and I looked what time it was on my phone. August gave me a iPhone 7 and it had everyone contacts just incase any accidents.

It was only 5:00 am. August was still sleeping and snoring in my ear.

That nightmare felt so real like I could feel the stinging and I remember the smell. I remember that day like it just happened. After that day I never overslept.

I haven't had a nightmare about James sense I been with August. I was afraid for my life now I'm afraid to go to sleep.

My hand is normal thanks to one of James friend Mark I think.

I just want to feel safe and I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. So I looked at August and got a idea. I needed to go back to sleep and I didn't want to think bout anything do I climbed on top of him.

Sense we was both naked no need to take anything off. I put him inside me. August woke up looking confused.

A:"what-wh-at are you doin...."

He couldn't finish is sentence because I started to move up and down on him. He was moaning as much as I was.

He smacked my ass and would push me down farther. Even though it was my first time doing this he was enjoying it. He was cussing while I was moaning like crazy.

The more I moved the more it felt good. I didn't want to stop.

A:" FUCK! Ma you got to get up I'm about to cum!"

So I went down one more time then got off of him as he hacked off and came all over the bed. I came in him before I got off.

A:" Where did that come from."
Z:" I was horny... Goodnight.

I went back to sleep and he did too.

When we woke up I got breakfeast in bed. He said it was his way of saying thank you for last night.

While we was eating August got a call from tyga.

T:" we know where James is..."
T:" in the Bahamas."
A:" ok we on the way back now."
T:"see you when u get here."

I hanged up. Damn how he know where we were. I packed up our stuff and got my private jet ready. Told Zendaya what was up and she was getting dressed.

When we was ready we went downstairs and checked out then got loaded on my jet.
We was off to New Orleans.

Lastnight was shocking and so good. For a rookie she was riding me as a pro. Now she anit  even talking to me. Just great!

When we got to New Orleans my Lamborghini was already there. I took me and daye bags and pulled off with zen in the passenger seat.

I got to my house and everyone was there. The girls went with Zendaya and the guys went with me.

C:" what is the plan?"
A:" we need to get him and Zendaya told me he had rich and powerful friends prolly how he got  to the Bahamas so Chris to get our allies killers with ours and go to Bahamas and get James without getting caught. Tyga I need you to keep running the trap with Mel until all of this is settled. Trey I need you to watch over Zendaya when I can't. I will do all the rest. The girls are not needed.

Everyone agreeded in went to work. James gonna die because he isn't taking who I love away.

I told the girls about my little vacation and they told me all the things going on in New Orleans. Chris and Rihanna broke up but they are still friends.

Graduation is this firday. After that the girls are going to live closer to their managers and I who knows.

I just hope they kill James before he kill me.

August Alsina GIRLWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu