Next day

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I woke u took a shower still very sore from yesterday. Took out my makeup kit and got to wrk covering all the marks on my face. Got dressed and hoodie and jeans with air force ones.

The only reason he give me all of these types of stuff is so people can think he is being a good father plus to hide all the marks he cause.

After I was ready I went downstairs cooked break feast and ate some fruit. James came down dressed and are then he dropped me off at school.

I was going down the hall until I seen beyonce Ciara and Rihanna.

C: "hae where you going?"
M: "to class..."
R: you want to be the first one in there Cz class don't start until a hour..."
B: the only reason were here Cz we had detention but it's canceled."
"O ok..", I say looking at the ground. James said its disrespectful to look others in the eye.
R: how about you come with us to Waffle House the boys waiting on us."
M: idk.."
M: I guess
They all smiled then we went into beyonce mustang and took off to Waffle House. It wasn't that crowed so that's good.

The boys were all sitting down waiting on us at a booth. August said Hae and I was sitting across from him. Beyonce was sitting a across from tyga. Rihanna was sitting across from Chris and Ciara was sitting across from the other guy I forgot his name.

They were talking while I was looking at the table. Until August called my name.

"Yes", I said.
"What do you want to eat?"
"I.. I only came Cz I was invited... I don't have any money.."
" it's ok ma I got chu."
I ended up ordering just a simple waffle and orange juice. We all ate while they talked and I remained quite. When was done and ready to go August said he wanted me to ride with him.

We got into his blue and black BMW.

"So... Why are u do shy? I mean it's rare to see a beautiful girl always look down."
"I don't know but I'm ugly plus it's rude to look people in the eye."
"Don't ever say you ugly, ever ok?"
He tried to grab my hand but I flinched and he pulled away.
"I'm not gonna hurt you so why do you keep flinching."
I felt tears about to come down and one dropped.
"I don't know," I said crying.

He kept saying sorry and stop crying but I couldn't. When we got to the school I ran out the car and went to first period while he called my name.

I had to seat with him and he didn't say nothing. All day I was avoiding him. James told me I had to walk home today so after school I started to until a all similar car pulled up.

I was driving about to go home until I seen Zendaya. I know she was avoiding me but i don't care right now.

"Hae do you want a ride home?"
She started thinking until she surprisingly said yes as she got in.

She was telling me where to turn to her house. We stopped by my cusin house but i knew this wasn't Zendaya house.

"Thank you for the ride"
"Wait, can you plz look at me.."

She looked up and I seen a big a purple mark on her face.when I told her about the mark she looked shocked and ran out my car. I tried to call her back but she ran down the street.

I followed her to this normal sized house and she wasn't even looking back to see if I was following her. She just ran in the house and shut it.

I went home I now know that something going on for sure now. I wasn't gonna stop until she tell me until I help her.

I don't know what it is about her but I want her so bad and so f stop until I have her.

August Alsina GIRLWhere stories live. Discover now