Welcome Home (by: larryoral)

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Louis comes back from a two week vacation, and Harry has something in store for him.


Harry propped up the pillow on the bed, tapping his foot nervously. Louis would be home any second now, and he was scared that he would mess up this whole night. He hadn't seen the older boy in two weeks, he was forced to go on holiday with Eleanor, which Louis was mad about, but he wasn't as mad as Harry, who was furious, complaining to management constantly.

It wasn't fair, to make Louis go away for two whole weeks. It was a long time, certainly too long for Harry to go without Louis. They skyped every night though, and texted constantly. But it was different, the fact that Harry couldn't actually be with him. Louis wasn't really there. He couldn't cuddle with him or kiss him or trace his tattoo's like he loved to do, everything was just terrible for Harry for two weeks.

And now, finally, Louis was coming home. After fourteen days of separation, he was able to be back in Harry's arms again. But he had something planned, something exciting, just for Louis. Tonight, he was going to be the dominant one. And he wasn't going to let Louis turn that around like he always does. Louis loved being dominant, but now it was Harry's turn. He was quite nervous, actually, because he was afraid he would mess up, or make Louis disappointed after being away for so long.

He rushed to the living room, where everything was covered in rose petals. Suddenly he began to think that it was kind of cheesy, but hey, it sure did look romantic. There were dozens of candels lit, and red rose petals scattered across the floor. He was sure Louis would love it. And besides, Harry had a long history of being cheesy, so Louis would totally be used to it.

He stood in the middle of the living room, his hands folded behind his back, patiently waiting Louis' arrival. And then finally, he heard footsteps coming towards the door, and he smiled widely, knowing that he was finally about to see Louis after two weeks.

Louis opened the door, obviously not expecting to see all of this.

"Harry..." he said, scoping out the area, the candles, the rose petals, everything. It was so perfect. "What's going on?" he cocked an eyebrow, dropping his bags on the ground and closing the door.

"Just a little something I planned for us." Harry said, striding towards Louis and picking up a rose at the same time. "Or, just really for you." he handed Louis the rose, smirking at him.

"You've been planning all of this?" Louis asked, taking the rose.

"Yeah," Harry blushed, embarrassed. "Ever since you left, actually."

"Is it just this, or is there a lot more?"

"Well, I did make a few trips to a certain store..."

"Harry, don't tell me you went to the sex store." Louis grinned jokingly.

"You actually thought I wouldn't?" Harry asked, smiling. "And guess what, they're all for you."

"So you think you're dominant all of a sudden?" Louis asked. "Sorry, but that is my position. I don't need an impostor to come in and steal my job."

"Wait a minute," Harry said, a smile playing on his lips. "You've been gone. I've been lonely-"

"So have I!" Louis cut in. "You think it's fun pretending that you're in love with a girl for two weeks?"

"I know, but at least you're friends with her." Harry said. "I had no one except for Niall who came over almost every day to sit around and do nothing with. Liam and Zayn were doing all this other stuff and hardly even talked to me! All of my other friends were out of town! All I really needed was you, and now I'm going to get you, in the best way possible as well."

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