Take A Chance On Me (deducing_machine)

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Harry is taken in by popular boy at Uni to share a flat with him. That boy is Louis Tomlinson, the smartest guy on campus. But as Harry becomes fascinated by him, will he make a move?


It was three weeks from the time Harry noticed wanting to kiss Louis to the time Harry actually did kiss Louis.

This was uncommon , Harry was usually really outgoing and live for the moment type of guy, but there were several factors that made it even more complex than, say, asking out the person who had just befriended him, which he had done without a second thought. He was his flatmate, he was popular, and most importantly, he was a guy.

In the intervening three weeks, between the time Harry looked at Louis placing the cigarette between his lips and thought, "Hmm, yes, I think I'd like that," to the time he made up his mind:

- Louis placed a large plate of his favourite Chinese food in front of him 6 times, and then walked away, eating his food in another room

- A hot girl stayed the night, sleeping in the guest room because she had got drunk at a party and Louis ended up taking care of her, told Harry "You should be flattered. Louis doesn't befriend and listen to just anyone, does he." As Harry had never noticed Louis listening to him, either, he didn't quite know what to make of this.

- And, most dramatic of all, Louis defended Harry when someone pushed him over and his books fell everywhere.

Louis began looking at him oddly after that last. Possibly he'd found that Harry was often bullied, but also found out he was bullied because he was possibly gay.

At any rate, that was the point when Harry decided that things were as strange as they were going to get, as annoying as they were going to get, and as tedious as they were going to get, so he might as well go ahead and do what he wanted, because he was unlikely to make life any worse.

Louis, upon being kissed on the couch in front of the evening news, went completely still, not even breathing. When Harry sat back to look, Louis's eyes went suddenly from squeezed shut to open wide. "Why?"

"Because I wanted to." Harry's arm was still around Louis's shoulder, and Louis had made no move to shrug it off. He looked like a man doing complicated equations in his head. So: no odder than Harry had expected. "All right?"

Louis gave him the usual look of scornful impatience. "Again."

Naturally Louis didn't kiss like girls.

First, he went back to being perfectly still, parting his lips or tilting his head in response to Harry's promptings but otherwise not moving a muscle. If he hadn't said "Again" -- if he hadn't had a deathgrip on Harry's shirt at the shoulder -- Harry would have felt as though he was molesting the unconscious.

He was probably categorizing everything Harry did in some sort of mental database. Kissing, taxonomy of. Louis was well re-known for making intricate details.

Then, apparently hitting a point where he'd absorbed enough information, he sprang into motion, pressing Harry against the back of the couch. One long hand came up to tilt Harry's chin and then stayed, cupping the side of his face, smelling faintly of perfume. Some of the things he did felt amazing, and some felt as though he was conducting a mouth inventory by feel, and from moment to moment something would distract him and it would be as if he'd put his mouth on autopilot, licking repetitively at the same spot over and over until whatever had gained possession of his mind passed. You certainly never forgot who you were kissing with Louis.

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