"I've had enough of you," Devin growled out as she got into the middle, facing the mutant, his back towards her while he had his arms outstretched at his sides, conducting the strange orange forms. He was a teenage boy, from what she could tell, with—as once stated before—serious host issues. He furrowed his eyebrows as he turned around to face her, he looked around before looking back at Devin.


"How what, punk?" She yelled. It was hard to hear over the storm in the middle of the tornado, she had to squint her eyes as the wind picked up, they were almost watering from the wind.

"How did you get in here?"

"By eating my five a day." Devin rolled her eyes.

"No one should have been able to get passed. Tell me!" He yelled in anger.

"I just did."

"Tell me h-" Devin quickly punched the kid in the face. The force of her blow sent him backward, falling to the ground, unconscious, with a small trickle of blood leaving his nose. The storm stopped almost immediately, the orbs fell around the team and soaked into the ground, while the debris dropped with loud bangs.

"About damn time, princess," Alex teased as she turned around to face the others, lowering her bloodied fist.

"Yeah, I thought you were about to ask him out on a date or something, you took your time," Warren joked as he landed back on the ground with a wince.

"Actually, I asked him to recite the entire Declaration of Independence, but close enough." She rolled her eyes and looked down to the boy, wiping his blood off her knuckles and onto her trousers.

"You're a horrible person, it's hilarious." Warren smiled weakly, causing her to chuckle quietly. Devin heard more footsteps and she turned her head to see people dressed in guard uniforms, a couple had picked up the other two mutants and took them out of the building.

"Take him," Erik grumbled before walking back off to the plane. Devin could tell that he was getting far too old for this now, even though he was still young. She nodded to the men and stepped back as they lifted him up and dragged him to their vehicle and towards some holding cell. There was no doubt that Charles would want to speak with them all at some point.

"Nice work, princess." Alex grinned as he draped his left arm over her shoulders, holding his side as she helped him to the plane.

The ride back on the plane had been full of groans and winces of pain, aside from Devin. She sat back, strapped in with her hands linked together and a small smile on her face. She never got bored of the missions, it was one of her favourite things about being a mutant—being able to help. Even if it meant stopping others like herself. She wasn't exactly sure how good her ability was, she couldn't move things with her mind, shoot laser beams, or fly for that matter.

But it wasn't until her fifth mission when she realised she was able to keep fighting more than the others. She never really got tired, so there was no need to slow down. She never got hurt, so there was no need to stop fighting. She healed faster and she was immune to most things, so she was able to keep fighting for longer. She was an asset to the team. It was clear to everyone, and they all appreciated her help.

Although, they never appreciated her can-do spirit and optimism on the way back from missions, especially when they are unable to cover her mouth with their hands because they hurt their arms and many other limbs.

"We only came close to dying six or seven times, which I think is great." She grinned, glancing at everyone.

Raven turned her head to look at Devin, she never understood how someone could be so energetic after a mission. Raven raised an eyebrow at her before shaking her head, not wanting to fuel Devin's need to continue talking to her. She looked around at the others on the plane. Scott had his head resting on Jean's shoulder as he tried to sleep off most of the pain, while Jean laid her head on his with a smile on her bruised face, bringing a smile to Devin's own lips.

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