"And I am not complaining."  Seth quickly pointed out.

"You may not be complaining but you are frustrated.  Especially with Sam.  Like you don't get out of hand, but you have your moments when he makes a small mess or does something that you find annoying and I see it in your eyes, you get get frustrated.  You may keep your cool but your frustration shows.  He sees it too.  You have to remember, he is ten.  I think it was way too soon to move in together.  Given the situation, we rushed it.  Honestly, we wouldn't have done so if things didn't happen the way they did."  She explained.

He knew she was right but he loved her and Sam.  Yes, he got frustrated but he didn't feel it meant she needed to move out.  He turned to her and said, sincerely, "Okay, you are right.  I have been getting frustrated, but as you pointed out, I do not lost it.  There is an adjustment period, Ava.  I can't just adjust in a few weeks to having a woman and kid moving in with me and things changing.  But I will work on being more understanding.  But don't leave.  I have never been so comfortable with a woman to live with them."

"Wait, are you serious?"  She asked.

"Yes."  He quickly answered as he placed his drink on the table so he could fully talk to her.  "Look, when I asked you to move in, yes, it was too soon.  But I already knew I wanted to be with you and only you.  So, I never once regretted the decision to ask you to move in with me.  These past couple weeks, despite the circumstances, have been the best few weeks of my life.  Waking up next to you, falling asleep next to you, having morning breakfast with you and Sam as I watch you in mommy mode, having family dinners and talking with you and Sam about our day.  You have no idea how much I have loved this.  I loved having you two around.  You gave me something I felt was missing from my life."  He told her.

"What is that?"  She asked.

"A family."  He said, sincerely.

Her heart skipped a beat.  She swore he was sick of them but to hear him say that made her heart soar.  He moved in and kissed her, passionately.  She instantly returned it.  They kissed for a few moments, then he pulled away.  He looked at her and asked, breathless, "Will you stay?"

She licked her lips and nodded.  He smiled and rained small kisses on her lips.  She giggled at his excitement.  Then he sat back and looked at her.  He took his drink off the table and took a drink.  She sighed.  "But, "  He looked at her, hating hearing that word knowing nothing good came of it.  Then she took his glass from him and placed it back on the table as he watched her, puzzled.  She continued, "We need to establish a few rules and discuss some things.  I never bothered before cause I really thought this would be temporary.  But if this is going to be permanent, it needs to happen."

"Okay."  He said with a smile.  "Like what?"

"Well, there is a child in this home, so this."  She pointed to his drink on the table. "Has to calm down."

He looked at her puzzled.  "Why?  I never get out of hand."

"True but it is about image for a child.  A few drinks here and there is fine.  But you drink from the time you get home till you go to bed.  Even though you do not get drunk, he is impressionable at his age, Seth.  He is ten and you will be the first male he lived with.  He will look up to you.  You know that, right?"

Seth shook his head.  "I never really thought about it."  He admitted.

"Yeah.  He never had a male figure in his life but Mark and he lived here when we lived in New York.  So he only saw him a few times a year.  And since we will be living with you, you are the person he is going to look up to the most."  She nodded in understanding. "Also, again, Seth, he is ten.  He is going to break shit and dirty shit up.  It is what children do.  You have to relax a bit when he does and let him be a child.  Oh, and I get your shit is expensive but he isn't use to that.  He understands and tries to be considerate of your stuff but you can be a little hard on him when he touches something."

"Like when?"  He retorted.

"Like when he played a few keys on your piano.  He was just curious and you like had a mini heart attack.  Instead, maybe show him it and show him you playing.  You will get a better response from him."  She explained.

"Okay."  He said, sincerely.  "I will handle it differently."

"Okay.  Also, if this will be permanent.  He needs a kid's room."

"What is wrong with the room he has?"

"It is not made for a kid.  It has a queen size bed and no toys.  Also breakable stuff.  Nothing in there is kid friendly.  We need to get him a twin size bed with cartoon character sheets.  Toys, stuff on the walls he would like.  Stuff like that.  It will make this place feel more like home cause he will feel like he has his own room."

He nodded and said, sweetly, "I think I can handle that."

"Good."  She said, glad he understood what she had to say to him.

She then hooked his arm and laid her head on his shoulder.  They sat there in a comfortable silence for a few moments as she closed her eyes in peace.  Seth finally broke the silence, "You know the moment I felt like we were a little family?"

She moved her head off his shoulder and looked at him as she waited for him to answer.  "The night Sam had a bad dream and asked to sleep with us.  You let him get in bed with us and he crawled in between us.  I watched you cuddle up to him.  I just couldn't help but watch you two sleep, right next to me and I couldn't help it but smile cause I felt like you both were mine.  You were my little family.  I realized then I wanted more moments like that, Ava.  That is why even when I do get frustrated, I have never asked you to leave or wanted you to leave.  Cause I know the good make up for all those times."

A tear build up in her eye.  She never meet anyone like Seth and it was overwhelming.  She moved her hand to his cheek and moved her lips to his.  She gently took them.  It was a soft and gently kiss but it quickly intensified.  It was a long time since Ava kissed him like that.  Seth instantly lost himself in her kiss.  He gently pushed her back on the couch to lay her down.  She laid down as he settled himself in between her legs.  His kisses drowned her.  She moved her hands to his shirt and unbuttoned it.  Once she got the last button undone, she pushed it off of him and moved her hands on his skin.  Seth moved his lips form hers, down her collarbone to her neck.  Her breathing became shallow as she was turned on.  He then grabbed her leg behind her knee and pulled her leg up.  He grind himself against her as she felt erection.  Then he groaned as he moaned against her skin, "Jesus, Ava, I have missed you."

She didn't know why, but it was a trigger.  Seth's lips went back to her neck as the memories flooded back.  As she felt Seth grind against her, she remembered Will being inside her.  As Seth touched her, she remembered Will's rough touches.  It became too much as she began to cry.  She whimpered out, "Seth, please stop."

He was so turned on, he didn't hear her.  She began to cry harder and began to scream as she pushed him away from her, "Stop!  Get off!  Get off me!"

He quickly did as it shook him the way she screamed.  She quickly moved away from him as she sat up and cried uncontrollably.  Seth watched her break and instantly went to reach for her.  She moved away in fear.  Seth saw she was visible frightened.  "Ava, I am so sorry.  Please, I didn't mean to.  I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to scare you."  She just brought her knees up to her chest and held them tight.  "Ava, I would never hurt you.  I love you.  I could never hurt you.  Please.  I am sorry."

He slowly moved closer to her and slowly touched her arm.  As he did, she let go of her legs and threw herself into his arms.  He held her tight.  She was shaking.  Her crying calmed.  "I am not ready, Seth."  She whispered.

He held her tightly as he said, softly, "Take all them time you need, baby.  I am not going anywhere."

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