Afterwords (and more ramblings)

Start from the beginning

A few things I did not tell in this story is the five siblings real name. So I will do it here.

They have the same eye colors as their tail, but their hair different for everyone, mostly genetic, but the tail did not. It's random at times, like the five siblings, no one have the same tail color in their family.

Lys real name is...





B- *get hit by an inpatient reader*

Alright, alright!

His name is Lyseblå. Happy now?

Next, the oldest sister, she have a light green scales for her tail, her name is Lysegrøn. She have the most calm personality than her other sisters.

The second oldest, lighter purple, Lilla, a rationalist, but she's the one that fangirling for her brother the most.

The third sister, have the black scales for tail is named Sort. She's a little tomboy, but actually having the most softer heart than the other sisters.

The fourth sister, she have a red scales tail, named Rød, she's always worrying about Lys well being.

You danish know what their names mean. Now that I tell you their name, I will confess that I don't know how to spell or pronounce their names. You can kill me now, I don't care. I take it all from online translator.

If you want to know the reason why I named then like that, I will tell you that their mother have a weird sense for giving names. Their father objected the names, but since he can't win from his wife, he surrender, grimacing when his wife giving them names like their scales color. Or it just me being lazy and uncreative. Their personality doesn't have anything to do with their scales color.

I also don't know what kind of century their living in, what kind of clothes, or what kind of dance since my search on Google is futile. I only able to find the Danish folk dance, and well... it's sort of earlier then my initial story.

I giving them danish names since Hans Christian Andersen write this in danish, so I just searching their names in danish. The time of the names is a little complicated though.

Some small question. Do you think that Lys is a coward like he thinks he is?

What your impression of the Sea Witch? Do you think she's a good person or not? Or in between? Your reason?

Do you think that Kevin really love Lys, or just saying that in the spur of moment?

Do you even think this story is plausible?

You know, there's so much, so much more I want to write about them, but I'm unable to do that. The idea of giving them a happy end also there, but I've already decided to give them a bitter sweet one, because, well, my brain.

If I have the chance, the time, and the motivation, I would love to rewriting this story again. Without word restriction, and I hope I can write it better than this time. That's one thing I promised myself. I really want to do it. And probably giving them a different ending (around 80%?) because I do have idea how to do it. The idea of Kevin being mute (he's mute, but he's not deaf) doesn't even showed up until I published chapter six (so late...), and I'm ended up going back to change a few things from the prologue and chapter five.

The other flaw is language. I write that the Mer-people have their own language, so how the f*ck they understand human language? There's a few explanations I can made up, but since I'm already published the older chapters, I just said "F*ck it!" and don't give a s*it anymore.

I just love them too much. I love them although I don't give them the happiness they deserve.

If you asked me why I didn't give them the happy end, I will tell you this, "Not every fairy tales ended with a happy end. Most of it ended with a more darker ending, love not always win, and hey, at least I'm sweeten it a little bit than just killing Lys on the spot without being able to told Kevin his feeling, and for The Little Mermaid, you know how it ended. I still think that the 300 years of good deeds so she can have an eternal souls is b*lls*it."

I don't even know why I pick this long af story. The original story is like, 13, 14 pages long? My stories have 40 pages on Microsoft.

Nah, blame my brain. The idea just come suddenly and very random since I don't even know what kind of story this will became. Just like most of the story ideas I have (but I still haven't written any of it), I don't even know anymore.

I marked this as finished at 26 November 2016.

I'm going to say my thanks to @aceofpage and @TalkativeChibiko. You guys is the first one to ever making a feedbacks for me, and I said many thanks for it. Thank you guys for commenting and voting for my stories. Knowing someone actually reading and liking it mean so much for me, and motivating me to keep writing. And thanks for everyone that reading this lame af story, voting it, commenting, putting it to their reading list, and I'm also thanking the silent reader for reading this story through to the end.

So here goes my first finished story. I'm also going to calling it a night, its a f*cking midnight when I'm publishing this. Sleep well, everyone.

This lame a*s captain is finally flies away. 🌹💃🙆🙌🐍🐬🌊


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