Prologue - Bad Luck

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      I looked to the sky. Dark, thick storms clouds already coming from the south towards our direction. Fast.

      It's definitely going to be a nasty storms if the lightning sounded like my mother's angry voice when she thinks I do something wrong. But there's no time to remember her loud and annoying voice now since we're going to die if my ships couldn't hold on in this storms.

      The ship crews already running around doing their jobs around the deck and the captain shouting to let the sails down. I know his intention to get as far away from this storms, but unluckily, the storms is faster than our overloaded ships that full with silk, steel, and other precious things from our kingdom for the supposed-going-to-be-my-fiancee Princess from the neighbouring kingdom. And I'm only able to running around doing everything I can to help since I know nothing about handling a ships, and the crews seemingly forgotten that I was a Prince. Not like that matters in this situation anyway.

      In just 20 minutes, the storms hits our ships and rain pouring hard, making the floor slippery. The lighting blinding my eyes and deafening my ears, I couldn't really make out what the others are shouting, but apparently, some people have fallen to the sea. My grip on the rope I'm currently holding burning my palms. Not to mention the ships swaying around when the waves hits the body, making me feeling really nauseous.

      And then, one of the crew shouted—or screamed, it sounds more precise—and pointed at the big wave that coming right to our ships.

      I couldn't even reacted to that since the seconds he said that, the water already dragging me to the sea with pieces of the ships and other unlucky people that coming with me to propose to the Princess whoever-the-name-is.

      Now you see, Mother, it's looks like that I'm going to die first before I'm even able to lose my virginity.

      So, goodbye. I'm not going to miss your ramblings and Father terrible words about what to do in my life anymore.

      But, before I lose my consciousness, I saw a big fish with a beautiful light blue scales, that seems to be glittering in the depth of the sea. But something unsettling about that fish is its upper part where its heads supposed to be. Instead of the head with fin and gill on the side, its have an upper part of a human; with hair, limbs, toned skin and all, make me remembering the stories my Grandmother read to me long time ago about a kingdom in the sea.

      Is that... a Mer-man?

      And then everythings turns black.

By The Sea And The LandTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang