Chapter Twenty

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        The day had come, the day I had dreaded since holiday had started. The day that I would have to leave my sanctuary and go back home to Malfoy Manor. I had packed all my belongings the night before out of habit but I wish I had waited till today. From the moment I woke up, throughout the house you could feel the negative energy, a somber feeling. I really didn’t want to leave but I couldn’t disobey Voldemort again.. Not after what happened to Thomas and the Orphanage..

         Once everything had been taken to the door it had time for goodbyes and good lucks. Luck would be something that I needed desperately. At the door in a semi circle stood Sirius, Mrs. Weasley, Hermione, Harry, the twins and of course Gavin. They were all wearing melancholy expressions even the twins who nearly always had a smile on their face. I knew that it was up to me to lift the spirits. I forced my frown into a pathetic smile and faced them all.

“My look at the lot of you, you all look like you aren’t going to ever see me again,” I tried to joke. I managed to get a few smiles none lasted long but it was a start. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be alright just have faith and write me, but keep it vague, I’m not sure who is going to be reading my letters. Actually Harry don’t write me, if Voldemort reads my letters then he’ll know where you are and then you won’t be safe,” I told him authoritatively, he nodded.  I smiled rubbed his shoulder then moved to Hermione who looked more angry than sad.

“It’s not fair! I hate this,” she growled softly. I smiled at my best friend and embraced her.

“I know you do and so do I but there isn’t anything we can do about it, I’ll be back I promise and it’ll be like it was before, you’ll see,” I encouraged. I let her go and quickly hugged the twins.

“I’ll see you guys later and when I get back we’ll have to talk about business plans for the shop alright?” Their face brightened as did my own. Mrs. Weasley didn’t hesitate to put me into her own embrace.

“Be safe Elli,” she whispered. I nodded with a smile and went to Sirius. I shook his hand but then he ultimately pulled me into a hug.

“Good luck niece.”

“Thank you, Uncle,” I smiled then finally faced Gavin. The one person who would be the hardest to say goodbye to. It’d be easier if we had just remained friends but feelings that aroused in the both of us made it impossibly hard to say goodbye. I didn’t want to be without him. I couldn’t think of anything to say that would offer comfort for my leaving. I smiled a bit then hugged him as well. His arms wound tightly around me like a snake killing its prey but only if that snake had feelings for his prey...

“Elli if you can try to run away, no matter who it hurts,” he whispered in my ear.

“You know I can’t, I have to protect my brother, he doesn’t deserve to get tortured like me, plus it matters to me who Voldemort hurts because it’ll be my fault. I couldn’t live with myself if anyone died because of my cowardice,” I whispered.

“What about me? How am I  supposed to know if you’re alright? I have to sit and wait to know if you’re still breathing or not!” His voice got tremendously louder. I put my hands on the sides of his face to calm him.

“I’ll write as often as I can, I swear but you need to have faith that I’ll be alright and that we’ll be together again. Don’t worry Gavin.” Gingerly I pressed my lips against his just for a moment. When we parted, I took a hold of my stuff and  held onto Gavin’s arm. Gavin would apparate us about half a mile away from the Manor far away enough from Death Eaters so he couldn’t be detected.

“I’ll see everyone real soon, bye!” They all waved after me then Gavin apparated us. I never liked apparating, made me feel sick all over. Not a pleasant feeling.

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