Chapter Nineteen

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I threw down the letter in detest and disgust. I had no desire to see my family.The only reason they wanted me with them was because of Voldemort, he was the one the who wanted me back at the Manor so badly. My mind couldn’t wrap around what terrors a waited for me. I breathed in and out trying to keep my calm in public. I quickly I had to come up with some sort of a plan to save myself and Draco..

The first thing that came to my mind was writing a letter to Gavin and to the rest of the Order  about what my mother wrote to me. A few days later I received a reply from them.


The Order has decided to let you go to you family’s house for a time in order to get some information from Him, if you can. However, seeing the state you were in last time, if you don’t wish to go through that again, we can come and attack the Manor and rescue you if you wish.

~ The Order of the Phoenix.

Before I even had a chance to write back, I spotted Luna Lovegood giving me the look that told me that a meeting was about to take place. I stuffed the letter in my robes and walked silently behind her until we entered the room of requirement.Today we were working on the Patronus charm. Hay had told us that we needed a memory, a strong happy memory that would fill us up. I vigorously searched my brain but anything remotely happy ended in an awful or painful memory...

“Elli, you sure there isn’t anything that fills you with joy?” Hermione asked as he otter floated around the two of us.  I shrugged at her and smiled at the otter.

“What about Gavin? The first time you two met?” she offered. I threw my brain back to that first night when Gavin had sent me that creepy letter and how talking to him seemed so easy and how for a moment I wasn’t Ellisar Malfoy, just Ellisar. I held onto that memory, pointed my wand and uttered the spell. Like magic white mist flowed out of my wand and took shape of  a magnificent roaring lion. Eyes stared at it in awe, as did I, it had been hard not too. Then just like that the lion disappeared back into my wand a few people gathered around me in surprise.

“Elli, how’d you do that?” she asked in a surprising tone. Words refused to come out of my mouth, I could only shake my head in wonder. “That’s something you tell Gavin about,” Hermione sneered playfully. I rolled my eyes then attempted to see the lion again, thinking of Gavin and adding the twins to the mix. My lion seemed more tame the longer he stayed out, didn’t roar as much, thankfully.

After Harry had dismissed us for the last class till after the Holidays Hermione and I went up to our beds to pack the things we would need for our trip home. The letter I had received from the Order slipped to the floor. Picking it up and rereading it, I had decided on a reply my mother.


I will come home for Christmas, as you have requested but I have one requirement. I’m going to  stay with the Weasley’s for a little bit before going home to you and... father. I shall be home on Christmas Day before the day is out. I swear it. Don’t try telling me no about this, it’s already been settled.

~ Ellisar.

Folding the paper, I tied it to Happy’s leg then helped her out the window. She flew through the cloudy sky, fast and free. The very thing I desired to be. Free.

“Hermione.. do you think you could write to the Order and ask them if it’d be alright if I stayed with them for a few days - just until Christmas Day?” I asked sheepishly. Hermione smiled warmly while nodding then gathered her parchment and quill and wrote to the order. She went to the owlery, used Ron’s owl to send the Order her letter. I hadn’t expected to receive a reply from my family until it was time to actually leaving the castle but the very next day Happy came through the Great Hall and plopped a letter on my lap. It was from my mother..

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