Chapter Seventeen

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I didn’t want to wake up, I never wanted to wake up. All I wanted to do is stay hidden and scarce in this bed. I wanted people to forget about me and leave me be. Unfortunately I couldn’t have that so I dragged myself out of bed braided my hair, put on some clothes and my stuff at my feet. Mrs. Weasley knocked on my door, I didn’t answer. I didn’t say anything to be rude, I physically couldn’t move my mouth... She came in and sat beside me.

“Ellisar, I know this has been a rough couple of weeks and I’m sorry for it. I can’t say I know how you feel but I can understand. Feeling betrayed by those closest to you, but you must realize that we aren’t trying to bully you. Gavin isn’t trying to bully you, we at the Order have one motive, to get rid of You Know Who and you being here gave us the missing piece to finding him and destroying him.”

“Do you really think he’s still at my house? If he is, then he’s foolish or just cocky.” I spat.

“No, we don’t think he’s there anymore. The only thing we could think of him being there is because he’s testing you. Testing you to see if you’re going to run and tell and if he finds out he’s going to kill your family, is that right?” There was something about Mrs. Weasley that made me feel like I could be comforted, like I could trust her. My head hung in my hands and tears started to fall. Mrs. Weasley put her arms around me in a comforting manner, a motherly manner. My mother only did this when I was little as I grew up, he motherly affection for me had started to get taxing until it had fully disappeared.

“There now, you have nothing to worry about. Mr. Weasley, Gavin  and I have convinced the Order to hold off on attacking You Know Who until he leaves the Manor. We’ve got people watching the Manor in secret. You needn’t worry yourself,” she whispered. After I had cried all my tears Mrs. Weasley had asked me another question. “May I ask dear, why do you want to spare your family? You’ve had the evidence against your father for years and from all the things I’ve seen and heard, it sounds like you could live such a better life.”

“Because they are my family and I want us to work plus my father is the closest person to the Prime Minister, if he won’t even believe that the Dark Lord is back  then why would he believe the disgraceful daughter of the Malfoy’s but would you be able to turn in one of your sons or Ginny if  you knew the path they chose?” I asked.

“You’re right, dear... It’s almost time to go, Ellisar, do yourself a favor a smile some this year, would you?”  she asked kindly, smiling herself.

“If I have something to smile about then I will,” I retorted then gave her a little smile. I took my bags to the mouth of the house and waited till everyone was done and ready to go. We all walked together through the station, in order to protect Harry. I walked away from everyone but didn’t get very far by myself; Hermione soon caught up with me. We said nothing to one another and that was alright with me.  

We neared the platform but before we got there we passed a Newsstand and something caught my attention. I bought one from the man with the some muggle money and moved away from them.

“Elli, what is it?” she asked. As I read the headline, my eyes widen with horror.


“I know this place, I - I knew the caretaker - Thomas and...” My voice drifted off and I couldn’t talk anymore, I simply walked through the platform got onto the train and in a compartment closed the door sat closest to the window. Tears silently fell down my face... I knew who did it and why... Why Thomas? Why the children? Why little Annie? It had not been fair! My future had been ripped away from me. My compartment door opened and before anything could be said, I swiped away at all my tears. Hermione sat on the opposite side of me and put her hand on my knee.

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