Chapter Twenty Four

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Hey! So SO sorry that it's been forever since I've last updated... I've been busy with school and plus this chapter was kind of difficult to write but I got it done! There are only two more chapters left!! So enjoy!!

          The next few weeks weren’t the easiest but deep down I would not trade them for anything. The nightmares still came at night and I would wake up either screaming or thrashing about but every time without fail Gavin would rush in, hold me in his arms until I would fall back to sleep. Finally, the nightmares stopped but I still felt numb inside.

“Elli, I have an idea, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to but how about you and I visit Ireland, away from all the magic for a while.”

“Yeah ok, sounds good. When do you want to leave?”

“Right now,” this had been the response I was prepared for. My eyes darted from looking at nothing to Gavin’s happy face. My eyebrows furrowed together in slight confusion then I sighed, turning away from him.

“Gavin, can’t we just leave tomorrow, I really don’t think I can do it.” Gavin moved right in front of my face.

“Sweetheart, I need you to trust me, I know you can do this, please, I know you can do this. Let’s stand up and let’s go,” he ushered. I took in a huge gall of breath,  looked at Gavin’s beaming face then gave him my hands so that he could pull me up from the couch.

    After I was finally dressed and ready to go, Gavin took my hand and led me from the apartment to the outside world. Nothing had changed for the months that I had been inside the apartment. I didn’t really watch to where Gavin was taking me, because I didn’t care. That is, until I heard the familiar busyness of Diagon Alley. Before we were fully emerged in Wizarding place, I held back. My chest suddenly became very heavy and closed off. Sweat broke out in tiny beads along my forehead.

“Gavin, I can’t do this, I - I’m sorry but I just can’t,” I whispered. I let go of his hand and pressed my own to my face, trying to suppress the sobs that threatened to surface. Gavin wrapped his arms around me, as if to cradle.

“Sweetheart, I’m sorry but we have to do this. It’s going to hurt and it’s going to be scary but if you do this, you’ll be one step towards healing and I know that’s what you really want. To heal and to be happy again, right?” I nodded in his chest. He took my hands away from my face and held one tightly in his own hand and we continued to walk forward.

    Gavin had been right, this was no easy task but once we got going, I felt my head raised degree by degree. My tight grip loosened on his, I would look people in the face but in  a single moment that had been shattered. Straight ahead of us stood a shop that had meant to bring joys and for some it had but for me all it brought were nightmares. Before I could even say anything, I ripped my hand from Gavin’s and ran in the opposite direction, tears, mixed with memories clouded my mind and body. I got out of Diagon Alley, I slumped against the bricked entryway and muffled all my sobs so that I wouldn’t draw attention. Soon after Gavin found me, by the sound of him panting, it was safe to assume that he had ran after me.

“I’m sorry darlin’ I didn’t know we were going to pass that shop, honest,” he whispered. I nodded, accepting his apology.

“Gavin, can’t we just apparate to Ireland, please?” I begged with a soft whisper.

“Of course sweetheart, come here and we’ll go... Are you sure that you still want to go?” he added.

“No, I don’t want to go but if I don’t go I won’t heal,” I responded, sniffling. Gavin smiled, his face absolutely beaming.

Cursed Blood and a Forgotten Family (HarryPotter Fan fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ